chapter 9

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Maya's POV:
I told her to not get close to Lucas, shes going to pay. I went to look for Lucas and I see him getting too close to Kalani. I cant with this, she takes away Josh now Lucas?
Definitely deserves the name of 'queen whore'.
I cant believe I used to call her my 'best friend'. Riles is all I got for now.
Its been a week since we got back from Texas and Lucas and Josh been on my mind ever since.
I walk around my room pacing back and forth and decide to go change for school.

Kalani's POV:
I walked in the halls of the school to my classroom. Lucas and Zae were already there like always.
I sat in my desk besides Lucas.
"Hey Kal"Zae said slowly.
I waved a small wave. Lucas looked at me and bit his lip. Then frowned.
Whats wrong?
I turn around and start to think. all of a sudden the bell rang and in came the students.
Maya and Riley included.
Cory started to teach us. In half of the class I feel something touch my skin. I look around and see a crumpled note on my desk. I look over and see everybody paying attention to the class.
I open it.
I told you to leave Lucas and Josh alone-Maya.
I sigh.
I look over to where she was who was looking back at me.
I raise my hand.
"Yes Kalani?"Cory calls me.
"I dont feel good, can I take some fresh air?".
"Yes, but you need to take someone"he says.
He looks around.
"Ahh there we go, Charlie Gardner can go with you".
I look over and see Charlie looking at me smiling.
Hes a sweet kid, used to have a crush on him.
Like real back then.
Charlie got up. "Come on".
I smile weakly at him. Lucas was staring at Charlie with a stare that can kill people from a distance.
Me and Charlie walk outside.

"Whats wrong Kalani, youve been acting weird latley not like usual" he asks.
"Its nothing Charlie, dont worry about me".
"I worry because your like a sibling to me and now you dont even talk to me anymore".
"Im sorry Charlie ive had allot on my back" I sigh.
"Ive got time".
I sigh, we sit down and I start to spill out everything.
"Really how could Maya Do this to you"he says reading the note.
I didint respond. "If she does something, you tell me".
I smile. "Thanks".
"Josh? "Charlie asks looking across the hall.
I look over and see josh.
He looks at me and looks away.
"Kalani you kissed him back the second time, he probably thought something was gonna happen between you too, you should talk it out".
"Im not ready" I say.
Josh walks into Cory's class completely ignoring me.
"Im done with life Charlie, I dont wanna keep trying to choose who".
"Come on lets go inside"he says.
"im gonna get my bag and im walking out of there, im not staying with people that make drama"i say loud enough for the class to hear.
I go inside and grab my bag.
"Where are you going?"Cory asks.
"anywhere but here".
"I cant let you go Kalani, im sorry"Cory says blocking the door."Josh, Lucas block the other door".
"Are you freaking kidding me?"I ask.
Josh and Lucas went to block the door.
"Its time to choose"Lucas said passing me.
"No not just yet"I say.
I sit back down.

I watch Cory calm him self down and motion for Lucas to sit down.
Cory moves out of the door and I take the chance. I get up and walk out the door.
"Kalani!"Cory groaned. "Why are you acting up?".
"I told you I dont want to be in the same room with some people".
"Cory I think ill leave"Josh says.
"Why?"Cory asks.
"Im hurt, and I need to go get my mind off of things " he says looking at me.
"Kalani, im sorry to say your suspended for a week"Cory sighs.
I scoff "great".
I walk outside and walk through the halls. I hear some kicking noises. I walk towards the noise and see Josh kicking and punching everything he sees.
I stay dead in my tracks. I never seen him like this.
I could see his anger and frustration in how his muscles and veins popped out more.
He saw me and stopped.
I flinched, I started to get scared.
"J-josh" I say.

He walks towards me. He grabs my wrists and pushes me on the lockers roughly.
"Im done waiting, you know how much I want you to be mine, why do you keep playing games?"he says."choose now Kalani, if its not me, ill let you be".

"I-I dont kn-"he cut me off.

"Please choose now".


Hey lovlies, havent updated since forever, but good thing I updated a few chapters today... sorry for the long wait!

Who do you guys think Kalani will end up with?!...
Comment on who you guys want or think it will be!

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