He does something cute

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Alright first I have a question I'm a good at writing these cause I've never been in a relation ship like I don't know what I'm talking about??

Requested by _Lila_Loomsdown_
Kai: it started out with Zane giving you a card saying to go to the ice cream parlour, you asked Zane what this was about but he said he didn't know, you got to the ice cream parlour and the ice cream guy gave you an ice cream and another card 'wulod tihs lveloy wmaon jion famle whit in our grdean' your smile brightens as you realise who it is. You decipher the message 'would this lovely woman join flame with on our garden' you race there as you arrive you see the trees shinning with fairy lights and your boyfriend sitting at a picnic waiting for you.

Cole: it was the thought that count, it really was. You woke up as the suns bright rays shone on your face. You smell the air expecting to smell Cole's deodorant but all you could smell was burning. You run to the kitchen to see Cole's skin as dark as his clothes. He looks at you with the most saddest face "I tried to make a cake for you"

Jay: you were babysitting your neighbours child and Jay came over as he had the day off, you go in to the lounge room as you were cooking dinner, to see Jay playing princess with the little girl, he had a pink tutu on and a very sparkly crown "woub you wike tome tea princess Jay" " I would love some some tea princess (g/n)" you giggle as you thought it was cute... But that didn't stop you getting a picture and sending it to the team.

Lloyd: it wasn't a special day, Lloyd just felt like doing something for you. You were awoke in you room and you felt something heavy on your lap you see bacon, oj and toast. You look around to see if you me boyfriend was anywhere near but as you look up a giant teddy bear was sitting in the middle of your room. You see from under its arm a green eye your familiar with you smile and open your arms. He scurries into them and you both fall back asleep cuddling watch other

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