Toilet and Sink in 1

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Anita. POV.

"He's gone." Two-face spat on me. "Grow up , child."

My bright green eyes slowly drifted down to my feet as a silent tear ran down my cheek.

"He isn't gone." I whispered. "He's everywhere."

My Mom put her arm around me. "Come on , Miss.J. Lets get you home."

"No!" Boomed Two-face.

I stared blankily at him. "Why?"

"Gotham is mine now." He spoke.

"So?" Harley pondered.

"You do what I say."

"No , Thank You." I spat.

Two-face grabbed my turqouise hair which held bright white highlights. "LISTEN CLOWN!"

I squealed beneath him. I didn't need this. I had just lost my Father and I was getting up by some grumpy dude. 

"You and your hopeless Mother are going to walk through that door. Put on your uniform and become my SLAVE!"

My flourescent eyes grew wide. "SLAVE?! ARE YOU FREAKING SERIOUS?" 

"Get in there!" He shoved my and Mother into a grungy hallway.

"Here." Spoke a guard. 

His uniform had one side black and decayed and the other white and sparkling. It did look a bit like Two-faces scars. Hmph...He held out a black uniform that reminded me of Arkham Asylum's orange uniform. I wish I were there. Arkham Asylum now seemed like heaven. This was hell.

I grunted and grabbed a uniform. 

"Follow down here please....Miss.J?" A suprised guard asked. "You are Joker's daughter correct?"

"Yes." I sighed. "Unfortunately he died two days ago."

"STOP TALKING TO SLAVES!" Roard Two-face has he slapped the back of the Guard's head.

"Sorry Sir." Apologized the guard.

We walked further down the hallway to find two guards hold a key.

"Take this key." The guard held it out in his palm. "It will lead it to your safe bedroom. You will eat , sleep and live there."

I huffed and walked through the double doors holding my Mom's hand.

"What room is it?" Asked Harley.

"I don't know..." I responded , shrugging.

"No , look it says on the tag!" 

A little white tag swung from the rotten key. "Oh! We are number...2"

We walked down the hallway to find the correct number. The door was a posh and framed door , very pretty.

"Ready?" Asked Mom.

I nodded.

She swung open the door to find the room the size of a family changing cubicle. Like the ones you get at the swimming bars. 

"WHAT?!" I screeched.

There were no beds only two rugs on the floor and a bucket was on the side with a label on it saying:


This will be a awesome time being a Slave for ugly , rotten , wicked...ugh...Two-face!

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