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Before you read this I would like to say that for the next week I will try but most likely not be able to post new chapters, due to the fact that I will be going on a trip.

So again I'm sorry but I will try, but if I can't don't be mad.


"Oh God I'm tired." Ryan stated as her, Leo and Cole all walked through the halls.

School has already ended and they were heading to the roof to chill.

"Well we can go back to the dorm if you want." Cole suggested.

"Oh no it's fine."



Once they reached the roof they headed over to the gazebo and sat down. They talked for awhile about virtually nothing and laughed about stupid stories that Leo and Cole shared with Ryan.

Ryan enjoyed their company, a lot actually. Even though they were the same age they were like two little brothers to her. Two little brothers that all they wanted to do was impress and make their sister happy. And they did, they made her very happy.

And she watched them bicker and tease each other. At one point they began to argue about something but made up quickly because it's impossible for them to stay mad at each other.

'These two I swear' she laughed to herself.

"What's so funny." Leo asked.

"What? Oh nothing, just you two." She smiled.

"What about us?" Cole questioned.

"You two argue like an old married couple, I swear." She teased.

"Oh really, do we honey?" Leo jokingly asked Cole.

"I don't know, do we sweetheart?" Cole reciprocated.

"I swear, if you two start dating it will be to soon." Ryan teased.

"We're not gay!" The two of them shouted simultaneously.

"Okay okay, calm down." Ryan raised her hands in defense.

They began to laugh and continued to talk for awhile.

Meanwhile Haneul was walking down the hall towards his brothers room.

Once he reached it he knocked on the door and immediately it was opened.

"Oh, Han. Do you need anything?" Jae asked.

"Uh uh, n-no. I just, can you help me?" He asked in poor English. Han was trying he really was just sometimes words didn't come out all that well.

"Uh, yeah with what?" Jae asked rubbing the back of his neck.

"English. What do you think?" Han teased.

"Ah, this brat. Come in." Jae commanded and he did and sat on the couch.

"Okay what is it?" Jae asked as he sat down.

"My teacher gave me a vocabulary test and I need you to help me practice." Han explained in Korean.

"Okay, let's see what you got." It was rare for Jae to speak to Han in Korean.

He did it when they were younger before Jae had mastered it but now he doesn't really. He wants Han to be able to learn it and be very good at it so he will speak to him in English most of the time. To test what Han can understand.

They studied for awhile until Han grew tired and went back to his dorm. Jae then headed over to his bed and laid down. He sighed and stared at the ceiling.

'God I'm bored' he thought. 'Oh wait'

He then quickly grabbed his phone off of his nightstand and went to contacts. He scrolled until he hit the name he desired.

He called the member and waited a few seconds till they picked up.

"Hey man what's up." The other person asked.

"Oh nothing, what about you?" Jae asked.


"Good, do you want to do something?"

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