chapter | 20

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"Jimin!" Soo Jin called out to him.

The boy couldn't be more happier because he would be spending the whole day with the girl he loved, the same girl who he thought could never be his but now he could finally call her his. She looked amazing in the dress he picked for her. She was glowing. Jimin could see her slowly making progress, slowly returning to the girl he knew and loved.

Jimin walked up to her. "How's my girl today?"

Soo Jin smiled sweetly at Jimin, her cheeks were a fresh peach color, "I'm excited for today." She said, holding onto Jimin's hand.

"You look so pretty." He wove a strand of her hair behind her ear. "I wish you'd smile like this every day."

"I can smile like this as long as you're with me." She said, pressing herself against Jimin's chest and wrapping her arms around him. "Do you really mean it? When you said you cared for me?

Jimin nodded as he took the chance to embrace her, holding her even closer as his heart thumped in bliss, "I meant every word. I've always, always cared for you. I might not be him but I swear I can make you happier, Soo Jin."

Soo Jin pulled away and flashed him a bright smile, "I know." She said then she pecked his lips. "That's for not giving up on me. Thank you."

Soo Jin was allowed by her doctor to get out of the mental ward. She even said that it might be good for her to spend time with outside so she wouldn't get even more depressed. The doctor asked to talk to Jimin and there in her office she told him in detail Soo Jin's progress.

"She's starting get out more from her room. She talks with the other patients and the staff more often. She participates in group therapy sessions and takes her pills." The doctor enumerated and it made Jimin glad. "There are moments when she's perfectly normal and we call it lucid intervals but these doesn't mean she's fully better. So be careful when you're around her. She gets manipulative sometimes. Soo Jin does this so she can get what she wants. One more reason for you to be careful is because she knows that you like her and that makes you vulnerable."


They held hands as they walked by the beach. Her shoes in his hands, Jimin took pleasure from watching Soo Jin having fun by the shore.

"Jimin come over here!" She waved him over but he shook his head. "Are you still scared of the water? Come on that was so long ago." She giggled, reminiscing their childhood memories.

"Let's get back to the villa for now." He called after her, stopping her from getting knee deep into the water. "Soo Jin, come on, you haven't eaten lunch yet, plus I'm starving."

She pouted cutely at him, "But it's been too long since I last enjoyed at the beach."

"We'll come back later." He promised, taking her hand again as they walked back barefooted in the sand. "I had the helpers cook your favorite dishes."

"Really?" She exclaimed. Jimin chuckled when her face lit up. "Race you to the villa!"


"Finally some real food!!" She excitedly sat down the table. "I hate the food they give us back at the hospital."

"Eat slowly." Jimin propped his chin on his hands, watching her with a smile. "I don't want you to choke on your food."

She sent him a look, "Park Jimin, shut up. Let me eat my food."

He laughed whole heartedly, "Okay, okay. I forgot how hostile you get when it comes to food."

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