Chapter 80...

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" Harry stop-" " MOOOMMYYYY." Harley squeals loudly as she laughs racing towards me.

" Harry you're going to make her piss herself." I laugh at them, they couldn't be more happy together. It's such a difference from what we've been through.

" Watch harles you'll knock mommy over." Harry chuckles, placing a hand on my round belly, I'm again pregnant around eight months and I'm huge. Not even Harry's hand could cover my belly.

" Mum when's leele coming?." My 5 year old daughter asks, her cheeks red from just having a laughing fit. Thanks to Harry.

" Any minute now." I smile at her combing her hair back slightly. She groans pulling out of grip and running into Harry's arms. She's defiantly a daddy's girl, which I love cause it makes it that much cuter.

Harry's cute side was the best of them all.

I hear a knock at the door and Harley is quickly to her feet racing downstairs.

" Be careful." I yell out to her, I laugh walking to Harry taking his hand in mine trying and failing to help him up. He chuckles and gets up himself taking my waist in his hold as we walk downstairs together.

" Leelee!" I hear Harley's squeals, she must have opened the door. Lee lee is Harley's nickname for Marlee, she picked it up herself. And Marlee calls Harley curly, because of her little locks of curls she of course picked up from her father.

" How are you?." Perrie smiles politely walking to be wrapping her arms around me, I chuckle watching Harry and Zayn man hug.

" I'm great. And you?." I ask watching as she continues to smile.

" Oh we're fine" She smiles watching me. My eyes widen looking down at her belly then back at her. I squeal loudly wrapping my arms around her as I jump with her. My belly getting squished in between us as we hug.

" Holy crap, were both?" I ask making sure I got the signals correct she giggles nodding, making me again squeal turning to Harry.

" she's-". " I know I heard" Harry chuckles already knowing what I was going to say. Oh good lord.

I suddenly feel a slight ping in my stomach making me double over, Harry instantly beside me holding onto my arm and waist.
I groan squinting my eyes closed.

" what the hell is wrong Payton?" Harry panics from beside me, I stand up sighing loudly, I raise a hand to him before speaking.

" This sucker obviously wants to come out." I groan again feeling the baby kick again, Harry smiles his hand placed on my belly along with perrie all feeling. Great there enjoying it while I'm here In during it.

" Okay let's go have lunch." I hiss at them, they both laugh as they walk away. I take Harry's hand in mine squeezing it tightly as the pain comes back but this time a wetness is felt.

I gasp loudly making Harry frown at me, concern filling his eyes.

" My water broke Harry." I again gasp looking down at my now wet legs, Harry gasps noticing it as well.

" GUYS COULD YOU LOOK AFTER HARLEY, WERE OFF TO THE HOSPITAL AND WILL BE HOME WITH A BABY." Harry practically screams making me flinch away, his arms lifting my body and he runs out to the car.


24 hours later, little Noah Ed Styles was born. Harry's little boy was brought into the world with the most loved parents and auntie and many uncles and cousins. Along with an amazing big sister Harley Stella Styles.

And finally Payton had her dream future. It may not have been how she planned but it's everything and more she could ever want.

Her life was now complete, in Harry's arms watching there children grow everyday and not once had Harry lost his anger. And not once was Payton to look back at her horrible past but to look forward to her positive future.

Harry was now not only possessive over Payton, but now over his two children. The happy family. His possessiveness was to protect and love. Not for the old reason he betrayed.

As for Perrie and Zayn, they had there long waited wedding along the beach where Perrie was eight month pregnant. The honey moon was where she gave birth to another amazing little girl named Charlotte Anne Malik to be loved by the most loved parents.

Niall Liam and Louis had all found there loves and were brought into the big family that had once been a street gang and were all happily married and forgot all about the dreaded past looking toward the future with there happily pregnant girlfriends.

The police hadn't found a trace of the boys and were soon dismissed into a on going trace where they were never found, Harry being friends with a older police guard had tipped him an allowance each week to keep them off there back.

They were all happy for the first in many many months and it had stayed that way.


I really hope you all enjoyed this book, and hope you all got the ending you were planning on. I now have a new book with a dark vampire Harry in it. It's called mine. And the girl won't be named Payton.

Also fixed the ending so there's more detail to what happened with Louis and the rest of the boys :)

Again thank you all so much for reading and getting this story so high in the charts I couldn't ask for any more. I love yous all. Xxx

I'm not sure about a sequel so many of you are asking but honestly I'm out of ideas with this story, I mean he changed for six years I don't think he would just snap or anything. Besides they have kids and it's not going to get interesting with kids, when Paul's dead and Nates dead. There defiantly dead so they aren't coming back. So I dunno. But I don't think there's going to be a sequel I'm sorry.

Possessive... Harry stylesWhere stories live. Discover now