Chapter Seventeen (Part One)

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Chapter Seventeen (Part One)

"CASSANDRA FLORENCIA AVANA! WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO!" I winced at the sound of Melissa's screaming.

"Your middle names Florencia?" Sergio whispered. "I like it."

I gave him a look. "Mel, what are you talking about?"

"Don't be trying to play me. I know everything about you."

"It's about me isn't it." Sergio stated.

I nodded. "Well... There are a lot of things going on with me..."

"Real Madrid Defender, Sergio Ramos with Neymar's girl. Does that ring a bell."

I groaned. "First of all I'm not 'Neymar's girl.' And second of all, I'm not Neymar's girl."

"Cass, you're one of my bestest friends in the whole entire world and I want what's the best for you. But I won't tell you what to do, since you are a pretty smart person. But just remember, is the choice you're making the right one." Melissa said.

"Mel, I love you, and I don't have a decision yet."

"Just so you know, a part of me is secretly rooting for you and Sergio."

I laughed. "Anyways I gotta go, I'll see you later."

We both muttered out goodbyes and hung up.

Sergio looked up from his phone once he heard me set my phone on top of the coffee table.

"Is everything alright?" He asked.

I shrugged, not knowing what to tell him. "I really don't know."

We spent the last 20 minutes watching The Avengers, until Sergio spoke up. "Wanna play 20 questions?"

I laughed. "That is such a cliché game."

"Well... I can't wait until tomorrow to get to know you. So let's do it now."

"Fine." I wasn't going to be doing anything, so I guess why not and its better then not having a conversation during a long movie. "I'll go first. Where are you from?"

Sergio gave me a look. "Really, that's a fucking cliché question, you can probably find the answer on Google."

"Just answer the damn question."

"Camas, Sevilla Spain, and what about you?"

I pointed my finger at him. "Didn't you just say that was a shitty question, Mr. I- Love-Red-Cards."

"Just answer the damn question," He mocked,"And don't bring that up."

I burst out laughing, and resting a hand on his shoulder for support. I had no idea why I was laughing. Sergio started laughing with me. This has been the first time I have genuinely laughed until I cried. Besides being with Mariana.

"Why are we laughing." Sergio wheezed.

My laugher had died down. "I really don't know."

He was going to say something,but it was cut off when his phone started ringing. "Excuse me."

He grabbed his phone and walked into the kitchen.

The more time I spend with Sergio, the more I forget about who I am. For a whole 40 minutes, I wasn't the girl Neymar impregnated, I was just Cassandra Avana. And that's what I wanted to be labeled as.

Sergio came out a few minutes later. "Hey, sorry to disrupt our game, but the idiots need some help locating their way back to the hotel."

I was slightly disappointed he had to go. We were having a small moment. "Then I guess you better hurry before they go missing."

He laughed. "They probably already are. I guess I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yup." Seriously "yup" was that all I could say. I just made everything extremely awkward.

"You never told me where you were from." Sergio said, once he got to the door.

"You'll find out tomorrow." I winked.

He shook his hand. Suddenly he leaned in and smacked his lips against my lips. I couldn't move, and I stood there not knowing what to do.

The peck on the cheek lasted no more then a second, but it somehow made my heart flutter.

"I'll be picking you up at 6 tomorrow. Bye."

I waved and closed the door once he walked down the hallway.

Throughout the 45 minutes I was with him, I had forgotten all about my feelings for Neymar. Was that all just a phase? Or did I actually have feelings for him.

I was about to walk away from the door when there was a knock on the door. Without any hesitant, I opened it.

The person I least expected was standing at my door, "Neymar?"

This chapter is slightly shorter then the others, but I wanted to post a chapter, so I decided to just split this into 2 parts. Part two should be posted in the next day or two.

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