Monster (part 1)

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   Dave POV:
       It'd been 2 weeks since I'd talked to anyone. John included. I felt so weak and so invalid, like my existence wasn't right. Breathing felt wrong. Of course, being physically ill was a part to blame. Every part of me was giving up on living. I was like a perishable food item just counting down days towards my expiration date. What was the point of living if my life was just a time bomb ticking down every second, minute, and hour until I'm gone? Was it possible to kick this cancers ass? Dirk likes to open my door and tell me to cheer up, because Strider's can kick anything's ass. Maybe I was just too weak.
      I heard the humming buzz of the 100th phone call. I sat myself up debating whether or not to even bother answering it. Everything inside me shattered looking at the bright light screen of my phone that was other taken by John's photo and name. My legs slipped themselves out of my bed and walked towards my phone. I couldn't control myself. I grabbed the phone in my phone. My tears started flowing like words out of a liar's mouth. With my teeth grit, I just throw my phone on the ground with all the force I could. All the buzzing phone calls where easy to ignore, but the image of John's face staring up at me clawed the edges of my heart, tearing it into pieces. The phone shattered on the wooden bedroom floor.

Sorry this is short I just wanted to show that I'm here! I'm a little busy with art and what not so excuse the 9 day wait. hope you enjoy!

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