Chapter 3-

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"You must be Savannah!" Jen said hugging me.

"Yes I am!" I say.

We pull apart and I look at Jared.

"Hey I'm Jared."


"I'm Savannah." I say smiling.

He smiles back at me and I hear Lana say that pizza was in the kitchen. all of us migrate into the kitchen and crowd around the pizza boxes. But me being me, I let everyone else get in front of me. Jared came up behind me and I move away.

"You can get in front of me." I say with a smile on my face.

"No, you go first. I insist." He said smiling back at me.

"You sure?" I ask.

"Yup." He said popping the 'p'

"Thank you." I say stepping in front of him.

I get to the boxes and, not to my surprise, the cheese was gone, a pepperoni box was finished, and only two slices were taken out of the Supreme.

I grab two pepperoni slices and move out of the way so Jared could claim his slices. I feel my phone buzz in my back pocket and see a text from Emily.

Wifeeeee: So how's it going with your lover😏

I set my plate down and text her.

Me: Shut up. Nothing really happened, he just let me get in front of him to get pizza.

Wifeeeee: ITS TRUE LOVE!!!

Me: Stfu.

I lock my phone and stick it back in my pocket. I grab my plate and make my way over into the living room. I see Lana, Sean, and Bex on one couch, Colin in the recliner, Jen and Emilie on the other couch, and Jared sitting by himself on the loveseat. I decide to take the empty seat next to him, I don't know what in my brain said this was okay, but I just ugh. He's so cute.

"Hey Savannah!" he said.

"Hey!" I reply sitting down.

I sit cross legged and set my plate in my lap. I see Lana get up from the couch and walk into the kitchen yelling: "Who wants wine?"

"Me!" I yell raising my hand.

"Haha funny." Lana said as everyone laughed.

She grabbed the glass bottle off the table and walked over to the living room with wine glasses.

Sean turned on the TV and opened up Netflix.

"What should we watch?" He said.

"I think we should let Savannah decide!" Jen said.

Everyone looked at me and I without even thinking, I said what I always say when someone asks me what to watch.

"You guys like horror?" I ask smiling.

"YES!" Colin yells.

"I love horror movies!" Bex says.

"You won't get scared?" Jared asked.

"Nope. I actually laugh at them." I say.

"So everyone good on a horror movie?" Lana asks.

I heard a chorus of 'yes' come from everyone and Sean looks through the horror movie section. All of the sudden, my phone notifications begin to blow up. I look and see there all from a group conversation I'm in on Instagram. I open it up and everyone is texting in all caps.

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