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A/N: This chapter has not been edited. So please ignore the errors. Thanks to Reema826 for  the beautiful banner. Happy reading!


As days passed by, I became closer to Sam. There wasn't a single day that we wouldn't talk. I felt different around him. As if I knew him very well even though I didn't know anything about him at that time. Like really, I knew nothing about him. If he had siblings or not or how his family was etc. 

I saw a spark between us. I saw something else in his eyes. I felt as if there was a chance of Sam and me. It struck me like an instinct and my instincts were always true. 

It was Sam's birthday and I'd brought a Dairy Milk for him. He took it enthusiastically. He was a food lover too, I came to know.

He usually sat next to me but that day, he changed his place. I felt bad at first as I wanted him to spend his birthday with me. But then I thought maybe he wanted to spend it with his friends. 

That day, I tried to talk to Sam many times, but he was so busy with his friends that he didn't even see me. I went near his place so that he could talk to me but, he didn't. Every attempt of mine, to spend the day with him, failed. 

I gave up once. I became tired and started thinking if he didn't like me. Cause I thought he did. And my instincts were never false.

After the library period, I was returning to my classroom when I heard some noises from inside it. I rushed towards my class and found a group of girls and boys crowding and cheering for something. 

When I checked out around whom everyone were gathering, I found out to be Sam and Dana. They were sitting next to each other.

'I love you,' said Sam to Dana.

'I love you too,' replied Dana.

They were smiling shyly. Sam had already gone red. Everyone were congratulating them. I was standing behind, shocked.

So this was the girl who conquered Sam's heart.

And again my heart was broken into pieces.


A/N: Please make sure to leave a vote and/or comment. Thanks for reading and stay lovely!

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