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The average age for an Omega to go into heat and find a mate is eighteen, but for Louis, his comes a year too early. It isn't something unheard of, it's just a rare case when someone younger than the maturing age comes. It just never happens in the Blood River pack.

It's a surprise for everyone, especially the pack Alpha, Jimmy Lockwood. When he gets news of the early heat he makes his way to visit the mystery of this Omega.

"I wish to see him, Joanna." The tall and burly man stands outside of the door with his hands behind his back. He's a generous man who takes good care of his pack, making sure that everyone is safe and has everything they need, but not someone that should be taken for advantage. He wears a tight T-shirt that defines his toned muscle and loose shorts that can easily be taken off and on - just in case of an emergency.

"Alpha," Johannah bows her head in respect, "I don't believe it's safe for-" her rejection is cut short.

"I'm only going to stop by, I'm curious of the boy who started early." Alpha Lockwood says with a promising smile. Johannah remembers the sight of her son in a desperate need, wanting only what an Alpha can give him.

She goes to protest again,"He really should be resting to save up energy, heats can take a toll-"

"I know what a heat does to an Omega, Johannah. I have a wife." Lockwood's voice becomes hard but he tries not to use his wolf's, "It will only take a few minutes."

"You can see him after, before the gathering-" She tries to suggest, hoping her Alpha will agree but when his eyes grow darker, showing that his wolf isn't pleased by being disobeyed she quiets down.

Not wanting to get the end of her Alpha's voice, she moves aside for him to enter. The house smells strongly of the boys natural scent - caramel and daisies - sending the Alpha's senses into over drive for the animals prime instinct. His self control is strong though.

Lockwood doesn't wait for directions, he immediately flies up the set of stairs, following the smell of the heavenly boy.

The trail stops him by a closed door painted a dark navy blue. The smell of Louis' heat intensifies and as the Alpha focuses his hearing, he hears the whimpers of a begging pup. Lockwood's mind races with thoughts of his wife and children at home, getting decorations ready for the Omega gathering just the week before. It's being held by his pack, the Blood River.

The older man pushes the door open, only to be hit by the musk ten fold, and it takes the Alpha's every strength of nerve not to pounce on the boy in heat. His reserved front stays in stone as he takes in the withering sight in front of him.

Louis is laid face first into his duvet, his eyes closed in exhaustion. His slicked hole is up in the air, clenching around nothing - and even though little whines escapes his mouth, he's unconscious - his energy deprived from him.

His inner wolf growls from the back of his mind, clawing at the edges to get out and knot such a young and youthful Omega. As Lockwood's hand flexes forward, Johannah's figure appears by the door in his peripheral vision, making him draw back from touching Louis' soft skin.

"I want him ready for the Omega gathering." The Alpha declares, turning to face the stressful mother that floods with doubt and worry.

"But Alpha, he is only seventeen-!" She tries to plead.

"He has matured and he will be chosen, Am I understood?" Lockwood's Alpha voice slips in, making her coward back. She places it as stress for the upcoming event.

"Yes, Alpha." She bows her head and lets him pass.

His visit is over.

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