»23. Fukk Sleep«

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a/n: sorry for the late update. i've been sick lately and wasn't able to post anything new for this book. btw, don't forget to add the playlist for the songs.

  btw, don't forget to add the playlist for the songs

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Silvia's P.O.V.

Dakota didn't say much when he first came out of the prison that housed his father. I asked him if something was wrong, but he didn't reply to the question. Instead, he handed me a large bundle of what looked to be letters, held together with a single band of rubber.

The entire drive back, we took turns reading the letters his sister left behind. When I was driving, he would read them out loud. Whenever he took the wheel, I would be the one reading them to him. We didn't get through half of the pile, only a quarter of the way through. The letters weren't short, one paged explanation about her day. Most envelopes enclosed up to five or ten pages, all covered in writing-front and back.

I stared at the sheet before me now, squinting at the words in bright blue ink. This letter, other than the ones before, was jotted down in a sloppier style-unlike her usual smooth cursive penmanship.

Daddy, don't worry about me. She wrote. I'm doing fine. They aren't bothering me anymore. I got better at defending myself. I don't eat lunch in the cafeteria all that much. It helps in the long run. I get to catch up on my homework in the library. There's a lot of new books I've been reading. You wouldn't like any of them. They're all romances. I guess I like them the most because they really get me out of my head. It lets me escape out of this world of mine, just for a few pages at a time...

I was starting to feel sorry for the girl the more I read. She described the bullying she endured at Crescent Hight in great detail. She was locked inside of the restroom, held up inside with girls laughing on the other side. She described being pushed into the school pool, fully dressed and unwilling to go in.

Dakota told me how she had a history of being teased for her hefty weight. She spoke of a kind boy who didn't partake in the hellish treatment. He unlocked her from the restroom. And the day she was dripping wet and shivering, he handing her a clean towel and change of clothes. She never said his name, not once. But when she wrote about him, she boxed the paragraph in tiny hearts.

At one point, Dakota brought out his wallet, showing me a set of four pictures of them. She had the same captivating blue eyes. She didn't inherit his raven black hair. Her blond hair fell in soft waves, going past her shoulders and out of the frame of the picture.

"We went to a carnival one summer. I didn't want to go into the photo booth, but she convinced me anyway," he said, "I thought she looked great in her pink sweater. I bought it for her as a birthday gift. That was almost a week before this picture. The day was going well. Until it was ruined by Maven and his friends. They spotted us and started harassing us the entire time, making oinking noises at her."

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