Part Two

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©Birdy Stewart, 2013

**A/N I will be uploading now by every one or two chapters in order to get it out to my wonderful readers faster. Thank you for reading. Feel free to vote for this book, comment your thoughts, feelings, and feedback, and share!**



- Rafe -

I sat in my office, running my hands through my hair and staring unseeingly at the work in front of me. I'd come in early so I wouldn't have to face Areila at breakfast, where I was sure she'd yell at me for taking her to my bed last night.

I don't know what possessed me to do that, let alone wake up and kiss her neck, but it'd obviously been the wrong move. She didn't return the feelings I had for her.

I'd yell at me too.

All morning I'd been torturing myself over memories of last night and this morning, but I knew it was out of my control. Ari was only with me for the marriage deal and the baby. The same way I should be.

I scrubbed my hands over my face, disgusted with myself, before looking at the time on my phone. It was four thirty-eight. I groaned, wishing it'd ring with the familiar melody I set for her phone I got her. She always called at four p.m. No later.

I deserved it. I crossed a line that I don't think we could step back from.

Suddenly, my phone rang and my body tensed although I knew it wasn't her. I looked at the caller ID.

Valentine White is calling. . .

It read.

I was annoyed it wasn't her, but I answered anyway.

"Look, Valentine, I know I fucked up, but I'm not in any mood for your---"

"Areila was almost kidnapped!" Valentine's sobbing voice came through the other line, and where I sat up straight at Ari's name, I was out the door of my office at the word kidnapped.

"I'm coming." Was all I said before calling Owen and bolting to my car.

"Valentine!" Owen yelled when we got into the waiting room. Areila's best friend turned at his voice, revealing a bandage on the side of her face. Owen quickly grabbed her arms and knelt to his knees so he could be eye-level with her seated form.

I, on the other hand, ran straight to the desk, "Where is she?" I demanded, "Areila Carson, where is she?" The woman in scrubs at the desk stood, holding out her hands for me to calm down, but I wouldn't.

"I'm sorry, sir, but it's family members only right now, so I'm going to have to ask you to calm down or leave before I call security."

"She's my fiancèe so tell me where the hell she is!"

Room 106, down the hall and make a left. Room 106, down the hall, and make a left. Room 106, down the hall...

I spotted the correct room number and opened the door as quietly as I could. My heart clenched painfully as I saw her small, sleeping body under the dotted covers of the hospital bed. She had a dark bruise taking over the side of her delicate cheek bone and her ankle was in a wrap, propped up by and extra pillow.

I collapsed in the bedside chair, just staring at her beaten body, speechless, before the anger could start boiling again.

The door opened quietly and a male doctor dressed in blue green scrubs and a white lab coat entered, his eyes trained on the clipboard in his hands. He looked up and I could tell he was surprised to see me, but he continued smoothly with what he'd come in to do.

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