33. Trial

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It's been two days since her transfer. Her condition was neither didn't get any better nor it got worse. It seemed she just took a step back. The doctor's warning was continuously ringing in my head.

"We'll began from tomorrow. I just had to do a thorough check up too see if she was ready."

"Are there any side effects or catches I am supposed to aware about?"

"There are none. Just pray she maintains this stable condition. Rest will go smoothly."

"Thank you so much."
I felt relieved after hearing this. It was first bit positive news I had got in weeks. There was hope. She could be cured. She will be fine.
Would she?
I went inside her room. She was just the same. It was amazing how ravenous dark her hair was contrasting her pale white face. I missed her eyes. Those coal black shiny eyes.

I held her hand in mine. It felt so cold.

"Please, please. Just be alright."

While walking out of the hospital I looked behind. I really didn't want to leave her alone. I almost turned to go back but then I had to. It was going to be a long sleepless night.
And so it was.
3 o'clock in morning and I was paving around in my room. I couldn't remove the negative thoughts from my room. I was really tired but I still couldn't sleep. I took another huge gulp of the alcohol to calm down my nerves. As if it was helping. I couldn't wait for tomorrow but I also dreaded it.


From a distant I could hear a familiar tune playing ,non stop.
I reached out to stop that annoying tune which started all over again. The thing flashed brightly in the dark room making me cringe.

"Where are you? You need to come here fast!"

I woke up all alert which made my headache even more worse.
I was late.
I drove like a maniac in the ciy streets. I drove as fast as I could cutting across ; taking the shortcuts; breaking the all the possible rules. I didn't care. The adrenaline rushed through me and I drove it even faster.
Reaching the hospital once, I took the stairs climbing up them.
I could see Jake talking with the doctor. The doctor went inside Tiffany's and Jake turned around facing me.
He half shrieked when he saw me .

"Geez did you take the stairs?"

"Yes.....What happened?..... Is she alright?"

"Yeah she's fine. Sit down ,here have some water."

I grabbed the bottle from him and chugged it down in seconds.

"Been drinking?"


"I can sniff out the expensive alcohol over that cologne."


"Your eyes are red. Your hair is a mess. The nurses over there still find you hot."

"Un-fucking-beliveable Jake seriously just shut the fuck up and tell me what's wrong."

His expression turned serious. He looked away for a while and then looked back at me. He looked scared to tell me. He began but he couldn't finish.

"Say it." I spoke calmly.

"Her condition worsened Zylen. Today's stats weren't good. The doctor confirmed it. She really looks weak."

"No she'll be fine."

"Zylen she's been it battling for two months."

"I said she'll be alright!"

"Zylen I am telling you to be prepared... I ....don't know. Please."

"I gotta see her now."

I rushed inside the room while Jake shouted out for me.

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