chapter seven

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"I'm telling you Elena, whatever he, she, or it meant, it was serious."

Elena sighs, she has been listening to Jordan rant about her dream since the moment she woke up. Jordan came barging down the stairs like an elephant, and she immediately started ranting. All Elena really wants to do is sleep for a little longer and forget the horrible events that happened yesterday. She will not, of course, because this is the brightest Elena has seen Jordan so far, and she intents to keep it that. And with keeping it that way, she also means keeping certain things from Jordan. Jordan doesn't need to know that Damon attacked Bonnie last night, not when she looks like she is just forgetting about all that he did.

"We will look into it this week. I'm sure it is nothing supernatural, but just a weird dream you had, I have them all the time," Elena tells her sister, who is bouncing with energy.

Jordan nods, but it doesn't seem to Elena that she heard anything she just said. Instead she repeats the question she has been asking Elena every few minutes, "Will you ask Stefan about it, you know, with him being something supernatural and all."

Elena rolls her eyes, but she is smiling, "Yes, I will, just like I told you the last twenty-six times."

Jordan laughs sheepishly.

"Now go get ready for school," Elena orders and she forcefully pushes Jordan up the stairs. "When you're done there'll be coffee and a croissant for you on the counter, and I assume you can transport yourself to school, and that I don't have to escort you because you might go to the library instead of school otherwise. Understood?"

Jordan nods her head, and she salutes at her sister. Right after that she bolts up the stairs.

Jordan isn't very picky when she rummages through her closet, looking for a somewhat decent outfit. At last, she settles for black skinny jeans, with a light pinkish sweater. When she pulls her sweater over her head she sighs in comfort at the warmth it provides. For shoes she decides to go with her good, old, familiar combat boots, and as finishing touch she only adds mascara.

She grabs ahold of her backpack, not bothering which books it contains. It's not like she is going to pay much attention in class anyway, plus, Elena has all the notes she needs to know for her exams.

She literally flies down the stairs, and she chugs her coffee and croissant down her throat in record time. She hastily bids a goodbye to Jenna, and with a clunk she shuts the front door.

Jordan arrives at school minutes before the bell rings, but the girl doesn't look like she is in a hurry. She takes her time to remove her keys from her motorcycle, and she throws her backpack over her shoulder while quietly, in content, humming a soft lullaby.

From the corner of her eye she can see Elena with Bonnie, and Caroline with Matt. Jordan smiles at Caroline and Matt. Caroline deserves a sweet and loving guy like Matt. A pang of jealousy hits Jordan like a brick wall. She isn't jealous of Caroline with Matt, oh God no, she is plainly jealous of love. Jordan is still a young girl, but she deeply desires a love so passionate that makes your body ache and heart clench.

Jordan shakes the thoughts out of her head as she jogs towards the entrance of her school, where her sister and Bonnie are. She started the day with such enthusiasm, and she isn't about to let her mixed feelings about love get in the way of her bright personality. She greets Bonnie and Elena with a smile, and the trio walks inside, laughter bouncing off the walls.

The following hours feel like they are sped up, and before Jordan wraps her head around it, the last bell signals the end off the day. The hallway fils itself with students, and in no time it no longer looks like the school hallway, but like a sea of bodies. Muffled chatter and laughter fill Jordan's eardrums as she tries to wiggle herself between all those students. When the cool air greets her face, Jordan tilts her head backwards to let the sunbeams dance across her face. For a few minutes Jordan just stands there, until a body collides with her, and she is pulled out of her comfort. She makes a sound of displeasure, and she makes her way to her motorcycle. Her hands firmly grasp the steering wheel, and the motor splutters before she takes off.

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