Panic Attack

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Preston's POV

It was great seeing everyone together again. Even though we were all at the Office. I'm surprised Mitch and Jerome both came down from home. Normally only one of them came. I'm worried though. Everyone was going to be here because I needed to talk to them. It was just sheer coincidence that they were all coming for a vacation anyway. Yeah of course we would be getting videos done and doing some challenges together. But I really needed to talk to them. They would probably hate me.

Robby: "Sup Lava P.Landed at Fortworth now. No sign of anyone else yet. Do you know when they will be coming?

Preston: "Sorry I have no idea. Lachlan won't be in for a couple of hours I know that for sure. The only ones I'm sure of is that Mitch and Jerome are on their way here now. Sorry I couldn't pick you up. The parents and family have all the cars. And mine is getting serviced."

Robby: "It's understandable. Though a bit sad it had to happen today."

It was a complete lie. I just couldn't bring myself to spend any alone time with any of them. I couldn't trust myself. I didn't know what I would say or how I would act. And to be honest. I was scared of what I would say or do. I would lose them all. And I don't want to lose them. But I felt like I was going to lose someone.

Mitch: "Hey dude,Jerome and I are just around the corner. Will we need a key or something to let us in?"

Preston: "Hey there is a key hidden under the lisp of the pot plant next to the front door. Get Jerome to hold the door after you unlock and open it so you can put it back where it is for the others ok?"

Mitch: "Sure man.Thanks P."

I'm not ready for this. Am I? They will all be here. He will be here. I was so scared.

Mitch: "Oh yeah we have a surprise for you too."

Preston: "I'm worried. What surprise?"

Mitch: "You will have to wait and see."

Now I started to panic. I felt my hands shake. A bead of sweat ran down the side of my face. Before falling from my chin onto the table under me.I felt my stomach start to crumple in on itself before my leg started to shake. What the fuck is going on with me? I heard my phone go off one more time before I looked over it to see a message from Lachlan.

Lachy Dachy: "Hey Preston. Vikk and I will be there soon. We found Rob as well so we are coming together. We should be there in a bit."

Preston: "A bit?"

Lachy Dachy: "Shortly."

Preston: "Ok."

My heart started to beat out of time. My palms were clammy. They were so close. It was almost time and I was scared. I looked over at my phone as it started to ring. I didn't even see who it was before I picked it up and answered.

Preston:"Help me. I can't do this. It's not fair. I'm scared."

????:"Preston calm down. Your lucky it wasn't one of the boys. You got this. I have faith in you. And I know God will always love you and catch you when you fall. I promise you."

Preston:"I'm so scared. They will question everything. They will ask me so many questions. They will expect answers I can't give."

????:"How close are they?"

Preston:"They are almost here."

????:"I'll be back soon. I'm sorry I left when I did but there was nothing in the fridge. I needed to stock it up you know that. I will be back soon. Stall them until I get there ok?"

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