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Chapter 31: Dreamless Reality

I was confused when he said that I was his next victim. I thought that maybe he wasn't thinking right. I stepped back and laughed awkwardly.

"Very funny, Drew." I stated awkwardly. "Now, drop the act."

Avery, that is not Drew. Absinthe stated.

I kind of figured that, Abe. I replied. Drew continued to step closer with a deranged grin on his face. It was started to freak me out. My hand moved to the dagger that was placed in my boot. I ripped it out and got in the stance that I was taught to fight in. Drew stopped moving and glared at me. I breathed in and out to gain control of the whole situation.

"Drew, you need to wake up." I said trying my best to get the Drew I knew out.

"No, you need to wake up." He said. I rolled my eyes but became confused. "And since I am in control, I will take you down."

"Do it, I dare you." I taunted. Dexter stepped closer with a smirk. I twirled the dagger around my finger and slashed towards him. A huge wolf jumped in the air and landed on the demonic kid. I groaned and threw the dagger against the concrete. The metal piece ricocheted towards the pile of leaves. A group of beefy boys and one girl came out of the woods. Jared rushed to my side while the wolf sauntered into woods. Drew seemed unconscious.

"Are you alright, Avery?" Sam asked sincerely.

"I had that." I stated blandly. Jared laughed and patted my back.

"Sure you did." He stated. Jacob walked out of the woods shirtless as usual. Jacob stared at me with no emotion. I felt Jared wrap his arm around my shoulder and stared down Jacob. Jacob just rolled his eyes and walked away. I stood there awkwardly with Jared's arm on my shoulders. I turned my head in his direction. "What?"

"Get your arm off my shoulder." I said sternly. Jared mumbled under his breath. He reluctantly moved his arm to his side. It all felt like a dream. Did I care? No, not really. I smiled happily and blinked.

Reality hit me when I realized none of the happened. Drew still stood before me as he inched closer. I didn't have a dagger in my boot. The pack was not here to save me. I was stuck. I was stuck here alone. Alone with a demonic kid. The keys to my car dropped.

"You are useless without your weapons." Dexter/ Drew taunted. I stepped back and thought about one of my many nightmares coming true. He was right, though. I was useless without my weapons. I turned and ran to the car. I got in and locked the doors. I was alone with a demon. I can't fend for myself. It was pointless. It's like committing suicide. A loud bang caught my attention. Fog filled the ground. I couldn't see past anything. The car started to become cold. Two hands smacked against the window. Blood smeared the driver's side window. I jumped back and shrieked.

Absinthe, are you there? I could use some help. I said within my mind. I was terrified and I needed help. My whole body was shaking. I could cover it up and say its because I am cold. Although, the real reason is because I am terrified. So terrified, I wanted to cry and let him get it over and done with. Glass shattered as hands wrapped around my throat. My hands moved to my throat. I tried to pry the skinny fingers away. My mouth opened as I tried to make out some kind of noise. The hand moved my head forward. I tried to break free from the chokehold as my head slammed back. I cried out in pain when his hands loosened a bit.

"Oh, did you feel that?" Dexter/ Drew asked. "I will make sure the next time you won't feel it." I finally pried the fingers away from my throat and leaned forward. I breathed and grabbed his arm. I pulled on his arm. His head flew forwards and hit the back of the truck. I placed my feet on the wall and pulled. A loud crack filled my ears as Drew/ Dexter cried out in pain. I let go and stumbled out of the truck. I fell to the ground with a hard thud. My hand scraped against the concrete.

"Where are you going?" An angry voice asked. I got up and started to run. I was hit by wind and bumped into something. A hand grabbed my hair and yanked my head back. I reached my head back in pain. My eyes stared into the dark soul of Dexter.

"Drew, please." I whimpered. Dexter/ Drew laughed and yanked on my hair harder.

"Drew can't save you. Drew is gone, forever." He said meaningfully. He pulled me down to the ground. "Now, I will make sure this doesn't hurt as much."

"Stop." I demanded weakly. His other hand came up to my throat as he sunk his claws in my throat.

"No can do." He said cockily.

"They will come after you, Dexter." I stated. "And they will kill you." I felt anger radiate off his body. He only smirked.

"Goodnight, Avery."

Hey, second chapter today. How was it? Suspense. Dunnn, dunnn, dunnn.

Rest in peace, Christina.

Rest in peace, the innocent people in Orlando.

Smile everyday. Keep on turtling.


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