Mrs. marin

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"Oh hi Spencer, are you okay?" Ashley Marin asks confused and concerned as she finds a waisted Spencer sipping a glass of wine.
She doesn't answer. She stares in front of her.
Ashley sits down on the chair next to her.
"What happened?" Ashley asks.
"Hanna happened" Spencer murmers, putting her head between her hands, leaning on the table with her elbows.
"Where is Hanna?" Ashley asks as she looks around looking for Hanna.
"Your daughter.. She's a fucking cheater." Spencer murmers.
"What?" Ashley asks offended.
"She slept with Caleb."
"With Caleb?" Ashley asks totally shocked but with unwanted joy spreaded trough her body.
She had loved Caleb and her daughters relationship for so long and was devestated when they broke up a few years ago. Though Caleb isn't here anymore to really get in a relationship with her daughter, this made her feel better than she wanted. Her own daughter cheating though, she had never expected that from her. She loves her friends more than anything.
"Before he died" Spencer added.
"I was dating Caleb but she didn't care." She murmers.
"I' sorry" Ashley says looking at Spencer in pity. "I didn't raise Hanna like that." She says sighing.
"They fucked like they were 16 again."
Spencer says, taking another sip from her glass.
Ashley tried to ignore the fact that her daughter and Caleb apparently already had sex when they were 16 years old and takes the glass out of Spencers hand.
"I should call you a cab and start looking for Hanna. It's late"
"Whatever." Spencer murmers, whiping away the dried up tears on her face. "I knew you would be on her side." She murmers as Ashley walks towards the phone.
She turns around facing Spencer.
"I'm on no ones side Spencer" Ashley says in a calm motherly way.
"She made him cheat on me ms. Marin! How can you not be on my side!?" She yelled crying.
Ashley hated it to see this girl -whom she had known for so long and obviously cared about- like this.
She sits down next to Spencer again. Spencer lets her head fall onto Ashley's shoulder and cries. Ashley strokes her hair.
"Hanna was really sad too." She whispers.
"I know" Spencer cries with regret in her voice. "I should've never started dating Caleb in the first place, no matter how strong my feelings were." She says before she tilts her head up and looks at Ashley.
"We have to find her before she does anything stupid." She says clearly worried.
Ashley nods in agreement getting more concerned within seconds.
Spencer stands up and takes her car keys out of her bag, immediately walking towards the door. Ashley followes her but before Spencer can get into her car, Ashley grabs the keys out of Spencers hand.
"You're not driving right now."

They drive by all the houses of Hanna's friends but no one seems to have heard from her. Ashley getting close to the point where she might loose it.
Spencer trying to think of more places to go.
They already went by Caleb's old cabin, Spencers barn and even the shopping mall, but still no Hanna.
"Wait.." Spencer suddenly says. "I think I know a place."
"Where?" Ashley asks, teared up.
"Move" Spencer demanded Ashley. Spencer was sobered up and probably thinking more clear than Ashley right now, so Ashley went out the car to sit on Spencer's seat.
Spencer moves over to sit behind the wheel and starts driving.
"Where are we going!?" Ashley asks as they drive into the woods.
"The playground?" Ashley asks confused when Spencer stops the car at their destination.
Spencer doesn't answer and walks straight trough the bushes, to eventually enter the playground, finding the blonde on one of the swings.

Haleb swings!! I'm sorry I couldn't help myself ;-))
Sorry this is a little bit of an in between chapter. But it's all so busy right now and I thought, better a filler than nothing right?
I hope we can still reach 10 votes for this though??:) love you guysX

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