I'm sorry

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Lachlan's POV

I watched as I walked through the door of my friend Mitch's house. He had invited me over to his place with a couple friends from school. Mainly Jerome, Rob and Preston. I enjoyed these days. We get to just relax and take a break from the monotony of school. It's nice to see my friends as well. It was too hot in Australia anyway. It was another hot one for summer. We had been friends for a couple years now. Same with Rob,Jerome and Preston. Mitch's Sister Ashley and her boyfriend Simon was hanging out as well. They were really cool.

Mitch: "Hey Lachlan. How are you man?"

Lachlan: "Yeah good man.Happy to be here though. Out of school for the week and just enjoying time off."

Mitch: "Jerome, Rob and Preston are already upstairs with Ashley and Simon. You were the last one again."

Lachlan: "Yeah I know sorry. Had to finish off some Trig work. You know what I'm like."

Mitch: "Yeah I know.Well Parents won't be home till later is your mum still able to pick you up again?"

Lachlan: "I've done all my work. No problem man."

I walked up stairs and heard them all say hello as I walked into the upstairs living room. I was engulfed in a hug from Jerome. He was such a clown. Yet still the best person to go to when you need some help. Though I'm always worried that we never get to ask if he is ok. He seems to be like the one looking after us all.

Jerome: "Glad you could make it. We got worried you wouldn't be coming over and would miss it."

Lachlan: "Wouldn't miss it for the world."

Ashley came out and gave me a hug as well. Her and I were really close which surprised everyone as they thought I would be closer to Mitch or Jerome but nope. Ashley and I just clicked on a certain level. Simon got a bit worried at first when he first met me. But I made sure to not hide the fact I was gay so he felt a bit more comfortable. He is really cool about it all now.

Ashley: "Simon brought Rob over as well so this should be good."

Lachlan: "Ooft. Might have to steal him too."

Ashley: "Your an idiot Lachlan but we love you. How have you been?"

Lachlan: "Yeah good. How about you two?"

Ashley: "Always better then ever. But you know how it is. Talk to you about it later. I know what your like with the guys. Have fun."

She let me go as I went to sit down next to Rob and Preston. Rob and Simon were brothers but we only recently met Rob. And boy are we glad we did. He was funny and sneaky I like to put it. It was unexpected and we needed his dark humour. We have our moments but having someone be just as crazy and fucked up as we are made it even better.

Preston: "How's it going Lachy?"

Lachlan: "Lachy? I can get use to that mate yeah I'm good. How are you dude?"

Preston: "Always good."

Rob: "How's it going Lachlan?"

Lachlan: "I'm good. To the last person I think."

Simon: "How's it going Lachy?"

Lachlan: "Damn it Simon this is why I can't be with you man."

We all had a good laugh though Mitch sobered a little too quickly. He seemed to be a bit nervous.

Lachlan: "I'll set up Cards if you like?"

We would usually start off with a game called Cards against humanity. It was not for the faint of heart by any means. It could easily offend people if they weren't prepared. Before moving onto some Mario kart or Smash bros. Though lately we have been doing some Halo as well.

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