Chapter 20: Hmph...I Didn't Expect That To Upset Me That Much...

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"Anybody here?!" I called out to the Salvatore household upon entering.

"In The Library!" Damon's voice directed me. I entered the room his voice called from, to see him and Rose sitting by the fire, with a nasty a$$ mark on her back.

"How is it?" Rose asked Damon as he looked at the oozing wound.

"Definitely...better" Are you kidding Damon? If I don't believe that then how do you expect the one in pain too? He finally noticed my presence. "Right, Kat?" why drag me into this?!

"It's not bad" I shrugged, hoping to calm any of Rose's worries.

"Where's Stefan?" Damon whispered to me.

"Where's Elena?" I retorted.

"I don't know. But, if you could play nurse for a little while..." Damon started moving towards the library's exit while speaking.

"It's not necessary" Rose denied the help I hadn't even offered.

"It is necessary. Kat's a do-gooder. It's in her nature. She just can't resist" Damon moved around me and out the library.

"Do you even know me?" I turned and followed after him. "Hey, Damon" he stopped and turned back to me when we were in the hallway. 'Is she gonna die?' I mouthed to him.

'Probably' he mouthed. "The wolf bite caused some kind of infection. It's getting worse" he whispered aloud.

"Like poison?" I frowned.

"I don't know, Kat" he shrugged. "I'm not an expert in the field."

"I'm sorry" I replied on automatic.

"Death happens. We come, we go. Sooner she dies, the better" why is he acting like he doesn't care? "It's gloomy as hell in here" with that he turned his back and walked away.

I rolled my eyes at his behavior and walked back into the library. "Looks like you have a nurse for the day."

"You really don't have to, I honestly feel fine" Rose denied the help.

"It's ok, at least by helping you I get out of school for the day and Elena doesn't have a reason to yell at me" I placed my bag on my chair and smirked at Rose, she gave me a smile in return.


"I hate this" Rose complained as I helped her towards Damon's bed. "I'm a vampire. I haven't had a cold in 5 centuries."

"Just get in bed" I moved to pull off her robe.

"We don't get sick. When we die, it's fast and sudden. And it's certainly not drawn out with an illness" I cringed slightly when I saw the bite, folding up the robe I placed it on the side table as Rose lay under the covers.

"You're not going to die" I promised her.

"Such a human thing to say" I didn't reply to that. Instead, I looked around the room, not as dark as I assumed Damon's room would be. "You've never been in Damon's room before, have you?" I continued to look around, noticing a stack of books just by the bed. I picked up 'Gone With The Wind' by Margaret Mitchell, scoffing at the sight. "Not what you expected?" Rose asked at I put the book back in its original place.

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