Chapter 7

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Adrianne Palicki as Avery Peterson
"Look, Jessie. I don't know what Erica told you or possibly threatened you with, but I'm not doing this." I explain, annoyed by what Erica resorted to. She can't possibly expect this to work. "Now will you move out of the way from the door?" I motion towards the locked door that he was currently guarding.

"Sorry Danny-boy. No can do." He states, shaking his head. "I'd hate to admit it, but Erica actually made some good points about our, um, situation. We actually can't keep avoiding each other. No matter how much we want to." He mumbles at the end. I just roll my eyes. He can't seriously be agreeing with Erica.

"Why are you even doing this? In case you forgot, you're the one who picks on me every single fricking day. So what's your deal here?" I question him. Jessie sighs, running his fingers through his hair and pulling at it.

"Ugh. Here's the deal. First of all, I'm an asshole. I know that I'm an asshole and that's part of the reason that I pick on you. The other reason is because you're always so alone, you're an easy target, and I kind of like how your nose scrunches up when you scowl at me." My hand immediately flies up to my face, but Jessie continues on. "Now I know that what I do to you is wrong, and as crazy as it seems, I am sorry for that. Anyways, my point is, I want for us to be able to at least talk and maybe get to know each other. I'm not saying that I want us to actually go out or anything, because of all," he taps his glowing chest, "this. But, it would be easier on both of us if we at least try to be friends." Jessie finishes his speech and looks back at me, waiting for some sort of response.

I stare back at him, unsure of how to respond. What do I say to that? It's really not a bad idea. In fact, it's a pretty damn good idea, coming from Jessie. I didn't peg him as the type to think so deeply about a topic such as this one. And for once, he appears to be sincere about it all.

"Alright." I mutter under my breath.

"Wait, what was that?"

"I said alright! We can do your plan or whatever." I say louder. Jessie looks almost relieved by my answer, almost.

"So can I go now? Or will Erica not allow it?" I ask, motioning back to the door.

"Oh, right, sure. But, uh, give me your number first." He demands awkwardly. At that I could feel my heart speed up. Wait! No. Stop it you stupid heart!

"Um, yeah, I guess. Here, you should also put your number into my phone." I take his phone and hand him mine, as we officially exchange phone numbers. Yup, that's not weird at all.

"There you go then. So can I leave? Because I have something I need to do." It's really time for me to come out of the closet, no pun intended.

Jessie steps to the side and unlocks the door. "I am sorry about this, Danny. Oh, and Erica wanted me to invite you to hang out after school. I guess that's her way of getting us to know each other." He scratches the back of his neck, avoiding eye contact with me.

Normally, I'd say no in a heartbeat. But everything is different now, and I know that one of the worst things a person can do, is reject their soulmate. Of course it seems that we've both failed already.

Ah what the hell?

"Fine. You can meet me in the back parking lot after class and we'll head over to my house. Got it?"

Jessie nods his head as I rush out the door. As much as I'd love to stay longer and chit-chat, I still have a coach to go find.

------ Time skip------

I finally got to talk to coach Jones about trying out for soccer. He appeared to be very excited and told me that he was looking forward to seeing me at try-outs next week. But right now I have something more important on my mind.

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