Chapter Forty-one: :: Y O U W I N ::

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Enderoni, Loop 4

Chapter Forty-one:

::Y O U  W I N::


Neon purple blood dripped to the floor of the room, light gasps of pain filled the air and nothing more. On his knees on the floor, he gripped the wound tightly, feeling the cold hard metal within his body. HIS body, that was hidden away under the mask. He felt fear and terror and pain and he felt

the bullet within him. He tried to remember a pain this terrible but he couldn't remember. He could hardly even think.

Tyler's eyes widen and he growled. "Dammit!"

Onity's eyes wondered over to Tyler, tried, but still fighting. He pushed himself back up, not letting go of his injury.

"You shot so close to me and yet you still missed my head." Onity said and then let out another gasp of pain, shifting his arm. "I will give you credit for hitting the shoulder, that does sting."

Tyler aimed the gun again, but Onity teleported away, behind Tyler. Tyler didn't waste another bullet, quickly turning around.

"Okay! I'll cut the crap, you've got to listen to m- AH!"

Tyler swung his arm around to hit Onity with the butt of the gun square in the face. Onity gasped, getting knocked over to the floor. He groaned, his other shoulder hurt as it had to take the fall, Onity unwilling to let go over the bleeding mess of his left shoulder. His head spinning, her heard a little splat and realized his nose was bleeding now. Great. Fucking dandy.

"Nothing you've ever said to me has ever done any good." Tyler hissed.

Onity attempted to push himself up into a sitting position only to get a foot to the chest. The wind was kicked out of him and he hit his head hard on the wooden floor. His vision blurred for a bit but he had to get back up. Gasping for breath, he rolled over onto his side, finally letting go of his shoulder, his hand covered in his own blood. He pushed himself up, catching himself staring at the wooden floor for a second, huffing, dripping blood.

His disguise was starting to fade away as well. His hands and part of his arms had become claws again, scratching at the floor. His feet were feet-like claws the same color. For a second, his eyes flickered. Back instead of white with neon purple pupils. He shook his head, jumping back up, nearly tripping for a second, regaining his focus and his disguise going back to normal.

He dodged another swing from Tyler, walking back into the wall. His heart pounded and he felt like an inner alarm was constantly going off without ever stopping, alerting every nerve in his body that he was in pain.

He had to be honest with himself, he did very much deserve this.

He did very much deserve to die.

He found himself on the floor again, after trying to focus, but being unable to for reasons he didn't even know. He was exhausted. He lifts his head up and tries to prop himself up with his elbows, looking up to see the gun pointed at his face again. The room settles down from the movement and for a second all you can hear is their heavy breathing. Onity's eyes soften a bit and he takes a deep breath and he looks from the gun to Tyler.

"So this is what it's like to be the numbers." Onity said. He blinked a few times, slowly. He wanted to yawn but he pushed It back.

"Say...If you get to be thirteen, can I be zero? Or twenty-five? I know neither are on a clock, but I've come to accept I don't really belong."

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