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Sorry guys another short chapter but it's BIIIIIG. Again sorry.
It was a week and we finished unpacking. Frisk was upstairs sleeping and I was downstairs drinking coffee. I don't know why people freaked out about it I could live without it. It's not that good. I drank it anyways. I decided to sit down on the couch and watch TV. A few minutes later there were footsteps from upstairs. Frisk emerged from the bedroom in a pink t-shirt and black shorts.
She walked down the stairs and plopped down next to me. Frisk rubbed her eyes and ran her finger through the rats nest her calls hair. "Morning Frisk." I said. She looked at me. One of her eyelids were droopy and she was frowning. "I couldn't sleep last night." She said and yawned. I pursed my lips and folded my hands in my lap. "You look like a zombie. Literally." She narrowed her eyes at me. "Shut up."
Frisk got her looks under control and I, well I stayed in my red boxers and t-shirt. We didn't plan on going anywhere today. I decided to get up and walk into the kitchen to find food that my dad brought the day before. I grabbed an apple and took a bite out of it. I shut the door of the metal fridge and walked back into the living room sitting on the green couch. Frisk came out of the bathroom from upstairs. She jogged down the steps and sat next tot me. "Is today going to be boring day?" She asked. I thought... Then something rang in my head. My stomach got butterflies thinking about what I was about to do. "No, I'm going somewhere today." I said and stood up to go get dressed.
I stared at the sign. That's pretty cheap. I thought to myself. I picked up the small black box and walked up to the counter. I set it in front of the person and he looked at me. "This is a beautiful ring you've chosen." The human said. "Thanks. It's for someone special." I said. I was going to propose to Frisk.

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