Chapter Two - A Very Uncomfortable Introduction

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Chapter Two – A Very Uncomfortable Introduction

Jonathan sat stiffly in an armchair that looked liked it belonged in the house of a grandmother, awaiting the return of Albert Klein, and the girl that was his...

He couldn't even say the word in his own head.

Looking down, he toyed with his hands, trying to mask the helpless and almost frightened feeling that was upon him. Glancing at the small coffee style table in front of him, Jonathan eyed the tan file that contained the information on... Carol's child.

He wanted to read it. Albert left it there for that purpose. But instead Jonathan looked around the room; a small quiet room where children often had visits with estranged parents.

At least that was what Jonathan made it out to be.

Taking a deep breath, the dark haired man turned back to the coffee table, and, with a trembling hand, reached out and grabbed it, opening it on his lap.

The first thing his eyes landed on was his name written as the father, which caused him to let out an involuntary shake before he looked at the top of the page for the child's name, locating it just above his and Carol's names.

Nora Ayla Hanna

Jonathan shook again, knowing the name only made the situation that more real for him. He glanced over the information on the page, logistics and details of appearance, but he didn't really see it.

His thoughts were too much of a jumble to actually process anything he was reading.

"This is idiotic." Jonathan suddenly snarled out loud to himself, his nervous face falling into his usual stern and cold expression.

He was not going to let this get to him, he was going to be calm and collected as he always was. Even as he was telling himself that, he jumped when the door to the room clicked open.

"Are you alright, Dr. Crane?" Albert questioned as he entered the room, pulling it shut behind him.

"Yes, I'm fine," Jonathan snapped in response, taking a deep breath to calm himself. "I thought you were bringing the... child in."

"It's beneficial to discuss with you the plans first. Things such as whether you're financially stable to provide for her, if there's a room available for her at your place of residence, and where elementary schools are located near your housing..."

"Of course I'm financially stable," Jonathan ground out at the other man. "I'm the head doctor at Arkham. As for the room, I have a spare one I can clear out, and I'm sure there's a school just down the block. Not that any of this will be necessary."

Albert watched Jonathan calmly until the last part of his sentence, which made the older man raise an eyebrow quizzically.

"Why do you say that, Dr. Crane?" He inquired, watching as Jonathan tapped his fingers on the arm of the chair almost impatiently, before abruptly standing up.

"I think it would be better for the... for the girl if... if she were to be put up for adoption instead of residing with me. After all I'm not fit to be a parent, my career is very important to me and I can't honestly say I'm a very social or hospitable person-"

"Dr. Crane," Albert interrupted, much to Jonathan's annoyance. "I can understand your worries, but, I'd just like to ask that you at least attempt to care for her for at least a week."

"...and why should I do that?"

"A lot can change in a week, Jonathan." Albert smiled knowingly, causing Jonathan to swallow, though he kept his face blank and calm.

"Fine," Jonathan breathed, his voice sounding rather annoyed. "But have adoption papers ready for next Friday. I doubt I'm going to change my mind."

"As you wish, Dr. Crane. Would you like to meet Nora now?"

Jonathan almost collapsed back into his chair at the man's words, but managed to retain an upright position as he stared down the blond man. He kept telling himself that this wasn't actually happening.

"I... I suppose... yes." Jonathan spoke as if he had something unpleasant in his mouth.

"Alright then. If you could just wait here, I will return with her momentarily." Albert informed him, turning on his heel and striding out of the room, leaving Jonathan alone to his thoughts.

The good doctor remained standing, his body as still as if he had been frozen for many years. He could hardly breath, though you wouldn't be able to tell that by looking at his face, as it was completely expressionless.

He was trying to figure out what he was going to do. He had to care for a child for an entire week. Not just a random child either.

Jonathan knew he wouldn't enjoy this, he'd have to go out of his way to entertain a brat that belonged to none other than that psychopath Carol. Besides, Jonathan had important work to do for Ducard, who most likely wouldn't be impressed about Jonathan's new distraction.

The dark haired doctor was so absorbed in his thoughts that he didn't notice Albert enter the room until he was standing in front of him. Jonathan blinked and swallowed nervously.

"Dr. Crane," Albert smiled happily. "Meet your daughter, Nora."

Despite his efforts not to, Jonathan looked down, his eyes meeting a very ragged, battered, and scared girl that half hid behind the blond social worker.

Jonathan's eyes widened as he took in her appearance, dark brunette hair the same shade as his, hanging in limp waves down past her hips. Icy blue eyes that mirrored Jonathan's, staring up at him from a face covered in bruises and cuts.

"What happened to her...?" Jonathan found himself asking as he looked up at Albert, who was watching the trembling little girl with sad eyes.

"Well, you're aware of her mother's condition, obviously. From past reports, Carol had a history of violently abusing, starving, and neglecting Nora. It was very rare that it was brought to attention of officials and as such nothing was ever done about it."

Jonathan clenched his fists at his sides, before slowly releasing them and stuffing them into his pockets, taking a breath and nodding.

Slowly, he knelt down, the trembling child stared at him with a mixture of curiosity and fear.

"Hello, Nora," Jonathan began, stopping to clear his throat. "My name is Jonathan. You'll, uhm... you'll be living with me for a while, alright?"

Nora simply stared at Jonathan, before hiding behind Albert and causing Jonathan to sigh. Pushing himself back to his feet, Jonathan turned to Mr. Klein.

"Alright... is there anything she had with her that I'll need to take?"

"She has a few bags, they're waiting in the lobby for you to take on your way out. My information is in that file which I encourage you to take with you, so if you need anything don't hesitate to call."

Jonathan nodded his head before turning and leaving the room, Mr. Klein and Nora following after him as he grabbed the small travel bags by the door and carried them out to his car, loading them into the trunk as Albert got Nora settled in the back seat.

After Albert briskly said goodbye, Jonathan drove off, appearing calm, but inside panicking over the fragile child that sat in his backseat.

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