Secrets, Sleepovers, and Streaky

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Robin quickly picked up the shard of Kryptonite and put it in the lead pouch in his utility belt. Superman was bent over Kara, feeling for a wound on her head and wiping blood off her cheek. "Dad, I'm fine." Kara tried to sit up but Robin held her back on the ground. Batman pulled him off and looked at Kara. "Are you alright?" Kara nodded. "I'm fine. Honest." Batman scrutinized her for a moment longer and got back up. 'I'm taking Batgirl back to Gotham. I'll be back." Superman nodded and helped Kara stand up. "Ice would help." He murmured, and Kara nodded. "And a bottle of morphine." She joked. Robin dashed off to get ice and Kara leaned her aching head on her dad's chest. He hugged her and kissed the top of her head. "So, other then getting attacked by Batgirl, how's it going? We haven't spoke much lately." Kara shrugged a shoulder. "Not bad. I think we're all over the mental exercise disaster, and you know, Dick's five again." Clark chuckled. "Yeah, that too." Robin came running back and handed Kara a bag of ice, a small towel and held his arms up to his pseudo uncle. He was lifted up and sat on Clark's shoulder as Kara placed the ice on her head sighed. "Better?" Robin asked. "Yup. Thanks for the ice."

Superman left and Robin took Kara's hand as they walked back to the common room. The rest of the team stared at Kara with ice on her head and Robin wrapped around her leg. "What happened?" M'gann asked and Kara smiled wryly. "Got brained by the treadmill. The usual." Connor cracked a smile as Kara pulled Robin off her leg and sat on the couch. Robin assumed her lap and Kara spent the rest of the night lightly pulling her fingers through his thick hair.

Robin thankfully turned back into his older self, much to everyone's relief. While the five-year-old Boy Wonder was cute, he was also annoying. While M'gann went back to Mars for a holiday, the rest of the team relaxed. Black Canary came and took Connor out for a day, Kaldur went to Atlantis, Wally and Robin was at some arcade in Central City and Kara and Diana went out for lunch together. Canary took this chance she had to talk with Connor. She asked how he felt about Kara, and he pointedly ignored her. "Connor." "Is she another clone?" "No. She is another survivor of Krypton, but something went wrong with her ship and she arrived twenty eight years later then planned." "Is Superman her father?" "Yes, he adopted her as his own." "Can she." Connor swallowed hard. "Do you think she could tell me about Krypton?" Dinah smiled sadly. "Kara could describe to you in perfect detail how Krypton exploded, her last few moments on her home planet, but no, she can't tell you about Krypton." Connor looked down. "I didn't know." "It's okay Connor. She does remember much, but she does have a few things her birth parents sent her. She'll probably show you those." Connor smiled. Kara could be family. "Tell me more about her." "What do you want to know?" "How old was she when you met her?" "Nearly nine. The Justice League had just opened it roster and let other heroes join, and Kara came on the Watchtower to see Martian Manhunter. She pulled a Robin and disappeared, and Green Arrow and I found her." "What was she like? As a kid I mean." Dinah smiled, a real smile and Connor thought she looked happy remembering the younger Kara. "She was always full of energy, and never went anywhere without Robin if she could help it. She regularly dressed her cat up in a Batman costume and called her "Batcat". The cat hated it." Connor chuckled. "She and Robin were the ring bearers in Superman and Wonder Woman's wedding, and the happy family came back from their trip to Disney World, Kara had about twelve different costumes. I endured a fashion show." The platinum blonde rolled her eyes but smiled. "What happened when she was ten? I overheard her and Rob talking about it a few weeks ago." Dinah's smile disappeared. "That I won't you. Kara will tell the team when she's ready." Connor looked down. "And I beg you, please don't press her to tell you. It was three years ago, but she is still suffering." "I won't."

Superman transported Supergirl and Miss Martian on the Watchtower while the rest of Young Justice trained with Black Canary. Aqualad had given Kara a strange look before she went through the zeta tubes and she shrugged in reply. M'gann was toying with the edge of her skirt; one of her nervous habits and Kara lightly bumped her arm. "We aren't in trouble you know." M'gann snapped her head to look at Kara and then back at the ground. "I know." Kara waved to a few Leaguers before poking M'gann. "Then what's wrong? You can tell me Megs." The green skinned girl sighed. "Honestly, I'm fine." She tried to smile at the other girl, who frowned but didn't push it any further. They walked into an empty conference room where Superman and J'ohn were waiting. Kara hugged her dad before plopping and a seat and rearranging her cape. M'gann smiled timidly at her uncle and sat carefully in the seat across from Kara. "What's up?" Kara leaned on her elbows. "Well," Clark started, and then looked over at J'ohn. "There are several matters back on Mars that I need to attend to, but M'gann would rather stay here." "I said M'gann could stay with us." Clark continued. Kara smiled. "For how long?" She asked. "A week at the most." J'ohn answered. "Sweet. Wait, don't you have a business trip?" Kara turned her attention to Clark. "Diana will still be at home." Kara looked at M'gann, who smiled slightly. "Do I get to miss school?" She inquired and Clark smiled wryly. "Yes, I already called and told the school you won't be there next week." "Score!" Kara cheered and M'gann couldn't help but giggle along with her.

The two alien teens decided to train in the Watchtower for the afternoon, and M'gann pushed her hair back before facing off against Stargirl. Kara was sparring with both Green Lanterns, and Hal Jordan was already slumped against the wall, defeated. M'gann telepathically snatched Stargirl's staff away and the blonde fell to the floor. She tossed her hands up in defeat and M'gann levitated her staff back. Kara managed to break through the green wall John was projecting and kicked him to the ground. "Good job kid." Hal complemented her and Kara grinned, stuck her tongue out at John and dodged the projectile he aimed at her. Kara sat on the bench next to M'gann and drank from her waterbottle. Stargirl poked her with her staff and she flopped on the ground. "Why aren't you in school next week?" "Jealous?" Kara teased. "Ugh. You miss more school then I do, and I have League stuff." "Haha." Kara said and stood up. She and M'gann grabbed a snack from the canteen and found an empty table. They were talking about the mission Young Justice had finished, figuring out who was stealing materials while pretending to be acrobats in a traveling circus. Kara and Wally hadn't come, and Kara winced when M'gann told her Parasite was involved. "He isn't fun to deal with." Kara grimaced. "Hey, why did you look so nervous earlier?" Kara asked. M'gann shrugged. "I don't know. I was, kinda afraid you'd say you'd didn't want me to stay with you." She admitted in a tiny voice. Kara burst out laughing. "Really? Megs, I would never say no."

As the week progressed, M'gann found she was enjoying spending time with the Kent's. Kara and herself had gone to the Metropolis mall, baked cookies successfully, wandered around Metropolis and did some crime fighting. Diana was the perfect hostess, and M'gann started to really like her. Clark left on a business trip on the second day of M'gann's stay, so she didn't really get to know him. Currently, M'gann and Kara were lounging on Kara's bed, watching a movie and eating Chinese takeout. Streaky was lying near Kara and she kept feeding him noodles. M'gann giggled. "What?" Kara asked. "I don't think noodles are good for cats." She informed the blonde. "Eh, she's Kryptonian. Streaky can eat anything." The tabby purred and rubbed her head against Kara's elbow.

Later that night; M'gann was snuggled up in the cot beside Kara's bed. M'gann was telling Kara of what happened to one of her sisters back on Mars. There had been an accidental fire, and said sister had been killed. M'gann was nearly in tears when she finished the story, and Kara slipped out of bed and held her tight. "What about you?" M'gann asked, wiping her eyes. "Any sob stories from the other alien?" Kara stiffened. "Well, since we're sharing." Kara remembered Dinah's advice tell the team. "Just don't tell the others. Robin knows, but he knows everything so he doesn't count." "I promise." M'gann could sense Kara's unease, and figured it was hard for her to talk about. "Canary's been bugging me for a while to tell you guys. So, long time ago I ran, well I was kidnapped by two men, and..." "And what?" M'gann prompted her. Kara covered her face. "They raped me." Her voice was shaky and higher pitched than usual. "Both of them, several times. I was ten." M'gann didn't say anything. Kara had been... Oh my... "Yeah." Kara uncovered her face and attempted to smile. "J'ohn found me and I was treated in the Watchtower." M'gann was quiet. "I, I don't know what to say." She admitted. "Yeah, well. Canary thinks I should tell the rest of the team, but I don't know." M'gann thought over this. "Well." She said carefully. "If Robin and I already know, I think you should consider telling the others. They won't be mean or anything, you couldn't help it." 

Kara and M'gann returned to the cave the following week, and M'gann was immediately picked up again by J'ohn. Kara and Kaldur went to the beach, and Kara laid on one of the large rocks while Kaldur swam. At first it was only a few droplets. Then small splashes. When it had soaked her shorts, Kara stood up, fuming. "I swear to god Kaldur' Ahm!" She yelled at him. He simply grinned and launched a huge wave of water at her. "That's it!" Kara screamed before diving in after him. She swam to the bottom of the seafloor and threw a small rock at Kaldur. He dodged it and smiled cheekily before dashing off again. Kara kicked after him and tapped his shoulder. "Race you to the surface!" He yelled and started swimming. Kara flew to the top, beating him by a mile. Kaldur started splashing her again, and Kara retaliated by shoving him underwater. Kaldur grabbed Kara around the waist and tickled her. Kara started to laugh and attempted to push him away. Kaldur popped up and kissed her, one hand tangling in her hair and the other resting on her hip. Kara locked her arms around Kaldur's neck and pulled him closer to her. Everything about Kaldur felt right, he was everything Kara would want in a guy. Kaldur's hand trailed up Kara's side, across her stomach and dangerously close to her chest. Kara jerked away, her blue eyes full of fear and surprise. Kaldur opened his mouth to say something, to ask her what was wrong but Kara flew out of the water and back to the cave.

Kara changed into her Supergirl costume, her mind in a flurry. Why did Kaldur have to touch there? Why haven't I told him yet? Kara walked to the mission room where Batman and Wonder Woman were waiting. Diana gave her a private smile. Kara flopped into the chair next to Wally and avoided eye contact with Kaldur. "Scarecrow and his gang have been spotted in Metropolis. Your mission is to collect intel on the weapons they are building and testing. Do not engage unless absolutely necessary. And I mean life or death. Scarecrow is not a villain to be tried against. You leave in twenty minutes."

Kara wandered over to Diana and the Amazon caught her in a hug. "Are you alright?" She asked quietly and Kara sighed. "Can we talk when the team and I get back?" Diana looked concerned but nodded. "Clark has to work late so I was going to order Thai. Any special orders?" "Pad Thai and spring rolls please." Diana smiled and kissed Kara's forehead. "Have fun and stay safe." "Have fun while scooping out Scarecrow? You're strange μητέρα."

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