Chapter 94- The Wrong Decision

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I sat on the steps angry, angry we lost so many people.

We lost Lori, T-Dog, and Jason.... we have no idea where Carol or Tayler are and the baby I held in my arms still had no name.

I wanted to name her Hope, this tiny girl was the only thing that would bring that. If we could raise her to be as old as Carl, there would still be hope.

Daryl walked in with Maggie, a giant basket with baby formula in their arms. The entire group except for Tayler, Carol and Rick stood around the Prison, unsure of what to do.

Rick had stormed off into the Prison right before Daryl and Maggie had left to find formula for the baby.

"Rick ain't back yet?" Daryl asked, taking a can of formula and filling it into a bottle.

I took it from Daryl's hand and started to feed the little girl. Daryl sat beside me and draped his arm over my shoulders.

"We need to bury our dead." Hershel said to the group. I bit my lip and handed the baby girl off to Beth.

"I need to find Tayler." I announced to the group, they stayed quiet. They probably all thought the same thing, that Tayler was dead. I wasn't giving up hope.

"She needs to know how Jason died." I said, choking out the words.

"Can the rest of us know?" Allison asked sadly.

I nodded and gripped Daryls hand tightly. "We were running.... We came across a room. We went inside and Jason got bit... He saved my life." I said quietly. "He died, and came back. He tried to attack me to eat......." I trailed off midway through my sentence.

I couldn't say it, I would break down. I tear slipped down my face and I stared at the floor. "I need to find Tayler." I muttered and grabbed my sword off the near by table. Daryl stopped me and put the sword down.

"You don't even know how to use that, you're gonna get yourself killed." Daryl muttered.

I blinked from confusion then realized I hadn't told the group I got my memories back yet. "I remember." I whispered, picking up the sword. Daryl froze and looked into my eyes.

"Remember what?" He asked suspiciously.

"Everything." I said, loud enough for the whole group to hear me.

"You... You remember me? You remember everythin'?" He asked in astonishment. I nodded slowly before turning towards the door that lead into the Prison.

Foot steps came from behind and I knew Daryl wouldn't let me go by myself.

I opened the door and held it for Daryl. He nodded and shut it behind us. "We need to look for Carol too." Daryl muttered.

I nodded solemnly and continued down the hallway. "So ya member everythin', even my house?" Daryl asked.

I nodded and Daryl stopped me. "What?" I asked, scanning the hallway for threats.

Daryl pushed his poncho out of the way and dug into the pocket of his leather jacket.

He pulled out a small box, the one I left behind in Daryls house. He opened it up and held out the ring.

I blinked from surprise and looked back into Daryls eyes. "Are you sure?" I asked, staring at his crystal blue eyes.

"Course, I love ya." He said, I continued to frown though. Something was off.

"Daryl..." I started.

"You don't love me do ya?" Daryl shouted angrily.

"No, no." I said grabbing his arm. "It's just your not the kind of man to stay with a women." I said slowly. He cocked his head and continued to hold out the ring. Daryl didn't say anything just waited for me to go on. "You know.. When guys sleep with a girl then dump them." I said quickly.

Daryl chuckled and leaned back on the wall. "Does it look like I'd do that? I haven't even slept with ya yet." He muttered.

I blushed awkwardly at the topic, I never did like talking about this kind of thing.

"No, um wait what? I'm lost." I said, trying to get away from the subject.

"Look Mariah, I love ya. I ain't that kinda guy, you should know better than that." Daryl said.

I licked my lips and blinked rapidly, I didn't know what to say or what to do. I didn't want to hurt Daryl but I wasn't really sure about the whole marriage thing.

Daryl snapped the box closed and shoved it in his pocket. "I shoulda seen this comin'." Daryl muttered before starting to walk down the hallway.

"Wait what? Daryl wait!" I shouted. He flipped me the finger and I stopped in my tracks.

I didn't reject him, I just wanted to wait. I mean, how were we suppose to get married in the middle of a zombie apocalypse?

Its not like there were priests roaming the streets, searching for people to marry.

There probably weren't any priests left anyways. I mean almost all of humanity roamed the streets looking for any kind of food to feed their empty pits of a stomach.

I sighed and rubbed my temples. I started to walk down the hallway, Daryl was long gone with no trace left.

I was still confused on where we stood, I loved Daryl, I truly did. I was just worried, about what I don't know.

I know Daryl isn't a player or anything, in fact he's a giant sweetheart when it's just us. I needed to make this right, I made the wrong decision. There was no debate about that.

I walked in silence for a while, my thoughts keeping me company. I wanted to see Jason again, one more time before he's gone forever.

I turned down the hallway and walked into the room where Jason's body was. The stench of rotting flesh was so horrific that I had to cover my nose.

I turned and saw Jason's body, beside him laid a man wearing a leather jacket and poncho.

"DARYL!" I screamed, I sprinted at him and fell to my knees beside him.

His eyes were shut closed with his mouth hanging open. "DARYL!" I screamed again, shaking him like a rag-doll.

I stood up and tried to lift Daryl, he was too heavy. Shit, shit, shit.

I scanned the room to see a room with a cracked window. I looked in to see a walker fumbling around in the room.

I broken trolly laid on it's side in the far corner and I burst through the door. I stabbed the walker and grabbed the trolly.

I wheeled it beside Daryl and started to pull him on. I screamed from the pain of lifting and finally managed to drag him on.

As soon as I was sure that he wasn't going to fall off, I sped off to the cell block.

When I neared the door I screamed at the top of my lungs. "OPEN THE DOOR NOW!"

Glenn tore the door open and I ran through. "HERSHEL!" I yelled in desperation.

"Over here, get him over here." The old man ordered. I obeyed and rapidly pushed him over to the table.

Hershel set to work instantly and I gripped Daryl's hand the entire time.

"You can't leave me here Daryl!" I screamed through wet eyes and sobs.

Maggie rubbed my back and I stared at Daryls face, his expression completely emotionless.

"We need to preform CPR, Glenn count for me." Hershel said rushed. I breathed heavily, my heart racing as fast as it could.

Daryl was going to die, right here right now. Theres no way CPR will do anything.

The only person I've ever loved like this was going to die.

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