Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

"So Dean..." I tried to say casually as we layed in bed that night.

"I'm tired Chase" Lor told me rolling over. We had still gone to the gym to practice or whatever Lorelai had wanted to go there for?

"Sure" I mumbled still sitting up with my arms crossed. I didn't even really want to know anyway. She huffed and turned around

"Are you jealous of Dean?" She asked amused

"What! No!" I exclaimed, I sounded like a kid, why is she doing this to me? I'm a Dad! I shouldn't be acting like a school kid!

"Uh huh, okay Chasey" she laughed, it sounded horrible from her mouth

"Eww don't call me that"

"Why not Chasey?" She purred, it made me cringe just thinking of Alexia, but it made me feel sad as well

"Lorelai" I said sternly lying down in the bed, she just giggled

"Night Ch-"

"Don't say it!" I groaned rolling over

"I wasn't" she said laughing again "night Chase"

"Night Lor" I sighed before closing my eyes willing sleep to come. I heard her deep breaths from beside me almost immediately; I then realized we hadn't even spoken about her date with Dean, idiot Chase. I don't even care. They can do what they like, I shouldn't care. I was going to find Clara and me and her can be a happy family together then Dean and Lorelai will probably be together, happy days I thought bitterly before rolling over trying to get comfort but thoughts of Lorelai and Dean were already creeping into my head along with the never ending memories of Clara. I opened my eyes looking at the clock just after one in the morning. This was going to be a long night...

Phil's POV

"Mommy!" She screamed through her sleep. I glanced at the clock 1:06am; I couldn't do this! It was killing me, I wasn't made to be a caring person, and I didn't know what to do. I took her tiny hand in my big one and she stopped rolling around in the bed. Her hand tighten on mine, it was weird having her small fragile and innocent hand wrapped in my big, heavy, scarred hand, my hand which had killed many people. I quickly pulled away not wanting Clara to have contact with my murdering hands "Daddy? Mommy?" She whimpered out almost immediately as soon as my hand was out of her

"Shh Clara" I stroked her hair, taking her hand again, shaking my head. Why does he do this to innocent children?


Clara had been fine when Lorrie was here, she had her fed, cleaned and smiling now she had gone back to the scared little girl who was here when she first arrived however at least now she let me near her and talked to me. She was so intelligent for a three year old, she could already read books that were for a higher age group, she drew well she even knew how to count numbers! I was amazed how her brain worked she always remembered little things whether they were important or not, I sometimes forgot how young she was when she spoke until she would start crying for a drink or something. After I found out Lorelai had gotten out I was ecstatic and glad she wasn't a part of this anymore. However in a selfish way I wish she had stayed because then I wouldn't have to look after Clara and worry about her, but what I see in Clara's eyes is what I saw in Lorrie's eyes when she had arrived all those years ago. It was a look of fright, terror and loss. I know Lorelai got through it all and she did it alone, most people would have just wanted to end their life then but she was strong and I was proud of her! I hope Clara can be strong...

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