Xx Chapter 10: Birthday Wishes xX Part 1

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  Ashton dropped me off at home, hugging me by before he left. I smiled to myself, thinking back to when I first met Ashton, and opened the door. The lights were off in the house but I could hear someone moving around upstairs. Is Michael still home?

Slowly I climbed the stairs, trying to be quiet. I turned to look down the hallway and could faintly see the light from underneath Michael's door. I heard a loud crash as I slowly approached the door, hesitant on opening it.

I placed my hand on his door, turning it slowly and creaking the door open. His back was turned to me and I heard him grunt in frustration. "Michael?" I stepped inside the room, startling him. "Oh shit, um, Ivy, I'm busy." I furrowed my eyebrows trying to look around him. "Mike, what are you doi-," Michael spun around, pushing out the door, scaring the crap out of me. He closed the door and sighed loudly from the other side. What the fuck just happened?

I walked downstairs and pulled out my phone intending to call Ashton when a notification caught my attention.

My Birthday ~ 6 hours (Notification 1 of 6)

I bit my lip, is it really that time again already? Memories of my last birthday flashed through my head

"Ivy Wivy, wake upp," I rolled over trying to ignore the bright haired boy crushing me. "Mikey get your fat ass of me, I need to breathe." He laughed lightly, pushing himself off me. "Guess what today is," I pulled the covers up, in an effort to prove the point that it wasn't important.

"Come on," He poked me through the covers, causing me to squirm. "Presidents day?" He scoffed, sitting on me again. "Nope, next?" I sighed, "Christmas?" He chuckled, pulling my covers off her head, "Come on, I know you know." I rolled my eyes and sat up, I obviously was getting no more sleep this morning. "You're right, I know what day it is, but it's not that big of a deal." Michael gasped dramatically, getting off of me once again.

"You're turning 16 Ivy, 16, do you know what that means?" I looked at him, raising an eyebrow at him. "I'm one year older that I was last year?" He playfully rolled his eyes and started to make his way out the door. "Breakfasts in ten." He closed the door, leaving me to get ready. I put on and made my way into my bathroom, putting on makeup and doing my hair.

I walked downstairs passing my mother in the living room, who was doing her usual 'my babies all grown up' tearfest. I sighed making my way over to her and wrapping my arms around her into a hug. "I'm so proud of you," She whispered releasing me and motioning towards the kitchen. "Dad and Mike made your favorite, strawberry banana waffles." I smiled walking into the kitchen, having a large plate of waffles shoved into my face.

I jumped back, laughed and taking the late from my dad. "Happy Birthday, sweetheart." I sat down, quietly saying thank you and ate one of the seven waffles that were on my plate before standing up. "Mikey, you can have the rest." He chuckled making his way into the kitchen. "Have fun with your morning classes."

I rolled my eyes making my way outside, since Michael is a senor he doesn't have any classes for the first two periods of the day. I walked into the school, cringing when I saw the group of girls Michael and his friends hang out with laughing by my locker. I kept my head down as I approached my locker, I didn't want any trouble today. "Well look who it is," I could hear sneer to her friends as I approached.

"What the hell do you think your doing, whore?" Jessica's boyfriend, , placed his hand out on my locker, blocking me from opening it. "Going to class, what does it look like," Jessica's best friend, , smirked at me, "So she does respond to being call whore, should've known." I rolled my eyes, pushing Chase's hand off of my locker and opening. "Bitch," Jessica's hand came into contact with my face, making me jump only slightly, "Don't fucking touch my boyfriend."

I shook my head and pulled my books out, only responding to her when I turned to leave, "You don't act this way around my brother, damn shame you're to scared to," She scoffed, but before she had the chance to reply I walked off to class.

-- End of school --

I walked outside, the warm summer air hitting my face. I saw Michael exit the upperclassmen hallway at the other end of the school and make his was towards me. Luke and Calum were next to he, joking around with him and Ashton was behind with his arm loosely around Katie. From what I know, Ashton's sweet, why would he hang out with a girl like her? Michael finally reached me and Katie had disappeared from Ashton's side. "It's going to be fucking wicked dude," Luke patted Michael on the back and they all nodded in agreement.

"What's up?" Michael nervously gave them warning looks and I suddenly felt uneasy. "Well talk to you later man," Calum patted his shoulder before walking off with Luke. Ashton glanced at me before nodding a goodbye and leaving. "Let's go get ice cream, okay?" I raise an eyebrow before nodding, agreeing.

He pulled into the parking lot and parked the car. He stepped out and looked towards me, "Get whatever you want, okay?" I nodded acknowledging him. I order a strawberry banana ice cream cone and sat down looking at Michael. He ate his cone and spoke. "So how has your birthday been so far." Oh, summer school, bulling, secrets, besides that nothing. "Pretty good," he nodded and smiled. "I have some news."

I tried to read the expression on his face, looking to see whether this was a 'sit-through' moment, or a 'take off running down the street' moment. "So, you know how the boys and I are in a band," I nodded slowly, of course I knew that, they are the loudest people in the house when they practice. "So, Luke, he was taking to a band, and they asked us to open for them," I furrowed my eyebrows what was he trying to say, I mean, one performance isn't that big of a deal.

"That's cool," I hesitantly responded, not sure on how I was expected to react. "What's that band, and when is it?" Michael nervously ran his hands through his hair and I instantly tensed up. Michael only does that when he is about to say something that will hurt me. "One Direction," I sat with my mouth open, taking in what he just said. "One Direction, as in, One Direction? One Direction." He nodded his head looking down at his hands.

"Michael, that's amazing," He hadn't looked up yet, "But, what aren't you telling me," He glanced at me and mumbled something under his breath. "What?" I think he had said month, like months until this performance? "They want us to go on tour with them," I bit my lip, so he was leaving? For how long, tours can go on for months, over a year if need be. "So, um how long are you, going to, um, be gone?" He looked up at me through his hair. "6 months."

Now it was my turn to look down at my hands, so I have to fight off everyone at school until he gets back. It's already his last year to protect me, and he isn't even going to be there to do it. I took in a deep breath before plastering a smile on my face. "That's amazing Mikey."

I sighed, placing my hand on the wall to steady myself. Everything had gone down from there. And it isn't even Michael's fault, but I still blamed him.

My phone rang

Ashy <3

I smiled, hitting the answer button.

"I was just about to call you,"

"Too late, babe, beat you to it,"

"Yeah, okay, anyways, can I come to your house, Michael's being weird," I chuckled softly.

"Um, actually, I'm busy right now, doing something, sorry," I bit my lip, nodding, before realizing he couldn't see me.

"Oh, that's cool, so um, why did you call me?"

"Oh, yeah, that, can you come over around midnight, I have a movie I wanna watch with you,"

I furrowed my eyebrows, "At midnight?"

He chuckled, "Yes, no sooner, no later, understand?"

"I guess," I breathed quietly.

"Great, okay, talk to you later babe," I smiled, saying goodbye and hanging up that call.

He's busy, great. Now I have to deal with Michael. What could he be doing anyway, I mean I thought he said he was going to sleep, but I guess anything is possible. Silly girl, you're just to caught up in your puppy love to realize he is with some other girl. He's not actually going that, is he? I mean, he likes me, and I like him. All boys just used girls for sex, you mean nothing to him. I took a deep breath in, trying to ignore the voice in me head. How hard could that be anyways, I mean, I just need to distract myself.

-- 5 hours and 30 minutes later --

I sighed pulling my headphones out of my ears. I put some night clothes in my backpack as I made my way to the door. Guess it's time to see this 'movie' that is so important at midnight.

(A/N) This is sort of a filler chapter, it also gave you some insight into Ivy and Michael's issue from long ago. But seriously, on her birthday, if it was my brother I would've punch him, just saying (<~ Pun intended) Anyways! Hope you enjoyed, I should have a second chapter up today and a new chapter for OFTP (Open for the present, if you didn't know what that means) Don't forget to heart/comment/share/follow.  

Just Baby Scars (An Ashton Irwin Fan Fiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang