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The only thing that I have left from the squid accident is my weapon and sheath. I swim for what seems like hours before I can't go any further. I hadn't eaten any food since the ship and was literally starving. When I stopped I let myself float slowly down to the bottom in hopes of finding some easy-to-catch fish. As I floated down I noticed a crab. Are crabs edible? I thought to myself. Who cares? The only thing I have left to lose is my freedom. So I pulled my weapon out of my makeshift sheath and snuck up on the crab.

I try to be as quiet as possible. I shift my hand into the perfect position to stab the crab. My arm went into a straight position and I brought down my knife. I stabbed the crab right in the center of its back. How do I eat a crab? I kept on thinking as I picked up the crab and turned it around a couple of times trying to find the perfect spot to jam my teeth. But I was just so hungry I honestly didn't care if I ate shell. My teeth jammed into his head first. I ripped of some arms and legs and started to chow down. After I was finished there was virtually nothing left (Just some shell pieces and an eyeball) I swam some more. But the crab didn't fill me up.

Jackpot! A coral reef was underneath my fins(yes fins). I swam down through the reef licking my lips every time I saw a fish. Clown fish, angel fish, Surf Bream, Yellow Tang. All so delicious. Can I eat one? I thought. It wouldn't hurt the population if I just had one. I swam down and spotted my Clown Fish. I grabbed it by the tail. Wow I have really fast reflexes. I still had my spear in my hand. I quickly threw the spear. I missed. I swam down and grabbed my spear from a rock. I found another clown fish.(it might be the same one but they all look alike so how would I know) 

I threw the spear another time when the fish wasn't paying attention. I got it right the the tail. 

I placed it right on the tip of my tongue. It was really small, almost the size of my pinkie finger. It's tiny heart got stuck between my teeth as I bit right into it. Hmm. Not that bad. It's actually pretty good. I thought as I felt it's scales against the roof of my mouth. I ate six more of the Clown Fish until I decided that was enough. It's time to move to a new location. I thought despairingly. 

I swam out of the reef and towards the direction I was heading in. The further I got away from the coral reef, the colder, and colder, and colder the water got.

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