Chapter Four

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Chapter Four has arrived! I hope the more chapters I upload the more reads I get! I have ideas for two other stories, but I have vowed that I won't start posting them until I finish this story! So... For now, enjoy this one! Remember to comment, vote, recommend to fellow Wattpad members- it means a lot to me! :) xo

Chapter Four (Lucy’s Perspective)

I awoke in the morning to a throbbing headache. The light coming in through the windows is extremely too bright. It feels like someone beat me across the head with a wooden club repeatedly. I pull the covers over my head and I realize that I’m alone. I don’t even remember getting here. I remember that we went to a club and partied and drank and then I woke up. I wonder how much I ended up drinking to lose such a big chunk of memory?

Just then the hotel door opens. I poke my head out from under the covers and I see Harry slipping through the door.

“’Morning,” He says, smiling slightly.

“Good morning,” I reply, stretching my arms over my head, arching my back.

“I figured you would need some of these,” He says, holding out a bottle of Advil. I nod sadly and he joins me on the bed. He pours two pills into his hand and gives them to me. He hands me a water bottle from the nightstand and I down them. “How are you feeling?”

“Not the greatest,” I admit, squeezing my eyes shut against the light. He gets up and shuts the blinds and draws the curtains and joins me in the bed again.

“Well, we leave for Buffalo in a couple of hours. That drive will take a while. You can rest on the way there as well,” He states. Something about his voice seems off.

“Are you okay?” I ask, looking up at him, eyebrows furrowed.

“Yeah, why?”

“You can’t lie to me, Harry.” He’s silent. He looks away from me, green eyes revealing turmoil beneath.

“Do you remember what happened at the club last night?” Harry asked, looking down at me again and raising an eyebrow. His expression was serious.

“Erm… No?”

“Oi… Maybe you should come with me, if you feel up for a story,” He begins, sitting up straight.

“Okay?” I say, confused. I follow him out of the room barefoot. We pad down the hall in silence and he leads me to Liam and Louis’s room. He knocks on the door and after a few seconds Liam opens it and ushers us inside.

“Good morning,” He says cheerfully, giving me a peck on the cheek. Louis is sat up in bed under the covers. I climb in with him and cuddle into his chest, eager to warm up in their exceptionally cold room. Harry sits on my other side and Liam stretches out on his stomach near our feet.

“So will you guys help me tell Lucy all about what happened last night? She doesn’t remember a thing,” Harry says, running a hand through his hair.

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