Better than a plushie (Germany)

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You lay, balled up on your couch, sobbing your eyes out. Suddenly a knock was heard on your door. You really didn't feel like answering it, but what the hell, right? You get up from the couch, clean your face up as best as yoy could, and went to the door. You open the door, revealing a certain blonde blue eyed German. You let him in, closing the door behind you. This only reminded you of the reason you were upset, and burst into tears. "_-____ why are you crying?" he asked in a slight panic voice. Germany knew he wasn't that type who would deal with emotions, So he just stood there awkwardly. You couldnt take it and ran into his arms. He slowly wrapped his hands around you. "L-Luddy!" you cried burying your face into his shirt. He blushed as you said the nickname you gave him. "_____ please tell me what's wrong." he says, wiping your tears. You let go of him and looked away. "You'll just laugh at me...." you trail off, sniffling. "I promise I won't laugh." he said sternly. You fight over weather or not you should tell him, and decide to tell him in the end. You start to fiddle with your thumbs, blushing a but. "W-well I have t-this p-plushie collection an-" Ludwig's fit of laughter cuts you off. "Y-you have a-a p-plushie collection!" he manages between laughs. You pout, crossing your arms and turn away. "I told you you were gonna laugh at me..." you mumble. He sigh after his fit of laughter and placed a hand on your shoulder. "I'm sorry ____ please continue..." "So I have plushies of all my friends and when America came over, he went into my room and picked up my favorite one and started throwing it around and then landed in my toliet...and...and..." you burst into tears. "HE RUINED MY PLUSHIER AND MY TOILET!!!" You sob into the couch pillow. He wipes your tears and sighs. You look up at him and he smiles at you with warm kind eyes. Suddenly you hear a knock at the door, you look at Ludwig before getting uo and moving to the door. You open the door and find Alfred standing there. You cross your arms and look away. "Whadaya want.." you say. "Look ____ I'm sorry. about...the accident and I came here to apologize, So here..." He held up a bag and you took it. You look inside and pull out a Germany plushie. You gasp as you take out a brand new Germany plushie. "I'm really sorry for what I did, So I asked Kiku if he could make another one for you..." He said. You look at him and smile, showing your teeth. "Also I'll be fixing your toilet." "Thank you Al." You kiss his cheek, making him blush and walk back into to accompany your guest. He looked wierdly at you. " Are you okay, you were crying just a minute ago." you giggle. "I'm fine now thanks to a certain idiot." You smile, looking down at your new plushie. "I was your favorite vasn't I?" He asked. You blush and shake your head. He chuckles and pull you in for a kiss. "I zhink you won't need zat toy any more..." He says.


A/N: So this was cute and all but not my best work. But anyway not much to say but THANKS FOR THE 5.4K READS XD!!!! Remember to vote, comment, and recommend to your friends. Have a super fantastic awesome splendid amazing day!!

~Kitty-Chan (>^ω^

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