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Two Years Later


Phil jumped high in the air at the exclamation, nearly dropping his stack of textbooks on his toes. He turned to glare at Yazi with as much poison as he could muster, trying to make it seem like he was actually angry at her. He couldn't keep the act up for long, however, immediately softening when his gaze met her pretty brown eyes and the way she was twirling a piece brunette of hair around her index finger. "Don't scare me like that," he mumbled, shoving his books into his backpack with great haste.

Yazi rolled her eyes, adjusting her own cat backpack on her shoulders. "I'm coming to your house with you," she ordered without question, and Phil was used to it so he didn't question her either. Their university wasn't very far from where they lived, only about a twenty minute drive (Phil thanked the lord every day that Yazi knew how to drive, because he sure as hell couldn't). She started ranting about some guy who tried to hit on her that day while she was trying to order food from one of the dining halls, but Phil wasn't listening.

He had been having some strange dreams lately, ones that kept him up at night and made him wake up with sweat covering his chest and a strange blush on his cheeks. There wasn't really much to remember in them, if he's being honest, but there was always the flash of brown eyes, sometimes cold as ice, but other times as warm as a flame. He would dream about lips on his skin and soft brown hair that he would run his fingers through. The dreams would keep him up at night despite how relaxing they truly were.

Yazi stopped talking and he snapped out of his thoughts when he recognized the strange look on her face. "You thinking about it again?" She asked softly. She didn't seem very annoyed, just understanding laced with a bit of curiosity. This was why she was Phil's best friend.

"Yeah," he admitted, looking down at his shoes. These weird dreams had started around two years ago when he woke up in the hospital with no recollection of the past year of his life. His mum was there, forehead creased with worry, and explained to him that he had fallen and hit his head pretty hard while he was doing some housework. However, when he was rubbing his head, he felt no bumps or bruises on his scalp, but he didn't question it because his mum wouldn't lie to him. His mother then had to explain what had happened over the past year, saying he had enrolled in a university for english language and linguistics and had gotten a 'lovely girlfriend' who he later broke up with because he didn't really like her.

He couldn't help but notice that his mum wouldn't look at him when she was relaying the information, but he didn't question that either, or even why he suddenly couldn't control water anymore.

Yazi was a girl that he met when he starting going back to uni. She's only a year younger than him and was in one of his creative writing classes. They had sat next to each other without speaking for about two months before Phil accidentally spilled an entire cup of coffee on her dress. Instead of getting angry though, she just said a lame pun that makes Phil want to punch himself in the face to this day.

Well, looks like someone spilled the beans! Get it? Coffee beans?

They've been inseparable ever since and Phil is so glad that he found a friend like Yazi.

Yazi pursed her lips as she pulled out of the parking lot. She reached over to the car radio and flipped it on, the sound of Lady Gaga blasting through the speakers like everything was perfect and good. "You'll definitely remember that time someday, okay?" She yelled over the music. She reached across the seats to grab Phil's hand, who smiled thankfully at her and entwined their fingers. It wasn't anything other than platonic, especially since Phil recently came out as gay and Yazi had laughed and replied with 'same'. "But until that day comes where you magically remember whatever it was that you forgot about, you should just focus on what life throws at you and enjoy it. Focusing on the past is only going to make you more anxious." She threw him and grin and squeezed his hand before pulling away. "Now let's get you home as quick as possible so we can shove ice cream down our throats and complain."

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