Chapter 87 - Day Off (After Vacation)

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Thursday afternoon I was sitting on a bench in front of the school waiting for Lin to pick me up. APUSH was stressful today. We were going to see Hamilton at the end of the month, and I was supposed to be writing a speech.

I mean, one person from each school was chosen to answer "what does Hamilton mean to you?" And for the life of me, I couldn't answer it. I just couldn't do it.

I mean, somewhere in me, I knew the answer, but I could explain it.

As I was lost in my thoughts, I heard a horn honk, drawing me out of my trance. Lin was sitting in his car, waiting for me to notice him. I grabbed my bag and ran toward the car, and got in.

"Sorry I'm late." He said, as I closed the door behind me.

"It's fine." I replied, putting my bag on the floor by my feet.

"So, how was school?" He asked.

"Fine, I have to write a speech for APUSH."

"Ah, I might be able to help you on that one, what about?" He questioned.

"You." I laughed a little.

"Oh, so you're giving the Hamilton speech? At Eduham?"

"Yep." I smiled a bit.

"Well, that shouldn't be that hard, right?" He looked at me.

"Actually, it's kind of hard." I confessed.

"Really? How so?" He asked, turning into the parking lot of our apartment building.

"I don't know. I just can't really seem to get anything on paper." I admitted.

"Well, let me see what you have." He offered, parking. As the car stopped, I reached down and grabbed my bag away from him.

"Hey! Sorry! I won't look, promise, didn't think it was that big of a deal." He held his hands up in surrender.

"Sorry," I hugged my bag close to me, stepping out of the car. "I mean, the speech is for you. You can't help write it."

"Alright, I see where your coming from." He allowed, walking towards the building, with me trailing behind him.


So, a couple hours later I heard a knock on my door. I sighed and got up, it was 6:00, meaning the 8:00 show should start in 2 hours. I trudged over to the door to find a very excited Lin.

"Why are you so excited?" I asked, swinging my purse over my left shoulder. "I mean I get it, your loving the dream, but don't you ever get tired?" I asked.

"I've been asking him that for years!" I heard Vanessa yell from the living room.

"And I do get tired, I drink like 4 cups of coffee daily." He reminded.

"That cannot be healthy." I shook my head.

"Oh it isn't." He said yawning, "but at least I don't drink four cans of Red-bull daily."

"Yeah! He only drinks 3." Vanessa added, again.

"You shut your mouth missy." He ran into the living room, and I followed, Vanessa was just cracking up.

"It's honestly a miracle he's alive at this point, he is fully fueled by caffeine." She laughed out.

"I mean, she's not lying." I was leaning in the doorway, watching this all happen.

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