xxiii; my own hands

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xxiii; my own hands

Lance was scared that when he returned home, he wouldn't have any fiancé there, wouldn't see Jimmy's blue eyes and smile, voice like cinnamon and home. As he stood on the street corner, leather jacket open, thrown on over the armour he already had on, he crossed his arms over his chest. "You're late." He said when the footsteps came close enough, and then breathed in. "I have a feeling Dan knows more than he's letting on. Interrogation?" He offered to the unknown man.

"Mon Dieu," The man muttered, and pushed his aviator sunglasses up over head, resting them on his hair. His eyes were fleeting before he met Lance's. "You've got to do it, I can't lose my job, and... Well, You know him."

"Jesus Christ, no!" Lance exclaimed, and then narrowed his eyes. "Sorry, Detective Karter, but this is where I draw my line. He's my friend, my fiancé's friend, and both of those things matter more to me than the entire world. London can burn, but I won't let Jimmy go with it." He crossed his arms over his chest, and stepped away from Dick, eyes closing. "Again, sorry, but..." He shook his head this time, and then spun on his heels to let his green eyes scan the area he was in. "I have to go home and make sure I still have a wedding to plan."

"My sister is out there, Lance, and I can't tell her to stop-" Dick began, but then Lance was moving, and the detective was left alone. His eyelids dropped, and he exhaled, shaking his head. He reached to pinch the bridge of his nose, lifted his head. "Fine, I'll..." He trailed off, and watched after Lance, then dug his hands into his pockets. "I'll take the matter into my hands, then."


"Hayley," Analise murmured, and leaned over her hospital bed, grasping her hand tightly, even if the other girl wasn't fully capable of keeping her eyes open. "Are you alright?" 

At her name, the red haired girl pulled herself into a sitting position, moaned, and then shifted so she could look to her friend. "I'm... I'm fine, Analise." She mumbled, and ran her free hand across her face. "Do I look bad? I feel kind of bad." But the muscles in her arms tensed, and she squeezed her eyes shut. "Did you tell Dick?"

"Your brother? Hell no." Analise sighed, and she had to look away. "I feel bad too, but he... Wouldn't understand." Her hair was pulled back, and her eyes were duller, less of the sparkle Hayley usually saw reflected in them.

"Hayley!" Came a chorus of two voices, and Jimmy was jogging over, Dan behind him. 

"Hayley!" Dan continued, "Are you alright?" He stopped by her bedside, but they all kind of froze in unison when Dick Karter appeared on the other side of her bed. 

"Dan," Dick seemed less grins, less smiles, and his mouth was pulled into a tight line. "What the hell are you doing near my sister? You hardly know her." 


hey guys, if you weren't aware, i'm a young smol child, 

and i'm graduating grade eight,

(chorus of oh no!)


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