Impromptu BDSM

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Erin was running, her broken arm slapping uselessly against her chest in the pathetic excuse for a sling that it had unceremoniously been wrapped in. She didn't know how far Pine was behind her, but she wasn't waiting to find out. Her bare feet ached as they slapped against the hard linoleum floor, but she didn't stop, pelting through corridor after corridor in an attempt to find an exit. The lights above her head flickered as she ran, basking the HYDRA base in an eerie shadow. She came to a halt, lungs burning as she took in gasping breaths, her legs on fire. Erin knew she had to keep running. She knew that she would die otherwise, but surely a few seconds of rest wouldn't hurt?

She bent double, her face sticky with sweat, and her heart lurched when she felt a sudden movement under her feet. She stood up straight in shock, looking down at the floor in horror as it twisted and mutated underneath her, unbalancing her and causing her to fall to her knees. The floor continued to twist under the too-bright lights of the corridor, moving under her like water, falling away from beneath her feet in large chunks until she was left hanging for dear life, her fingers grasping what had once been the floor whilst her legs kicked helplessly into deep empty space beneath her.

A silhouette walked up to her, tall and menacing until he stood above her, looking down with an expression of confusion on his handsome face, his blue eyes unsure.

The Soldier.

"Help me," Erin huffed out the words in a single breath, her fingers aching as she grasped what remained of the floor with all her strength, trying desperately to pull herself back up. The Soldier looked down at her for a few seconds before reaching behind him and pulling something from the waistband of his black cargo pants. A glint of metal flashed across her vision before the barrel of a semi-automatic pistol was pointed directly between her eyes.

"Please," Her fingers began to slip and her gut lurched with vertigo as she looked down at the unending chasm below her. Pine was forgotten. It was him and her, looking each other in the eyes, not blinking.

The Soldier averted his eyes and fired the gun.


Erin woke with a start, breathing heavily, her short summer pyjamas and sheets soaked with sweat. She glanced over to the small clock on her bedside table, half three in the morning, and rubbed her face with a shaky hand. The same dream, every time. The back of her throat was dry, and she pulled her duvet off her sticky body and stood up on shaky legs, walking towards her bedroom door. She needed a drink, though whether water or alcohol she hadn't decided yet.

Always the same dream, every night. The Soldier would appear to help her, before placing a bullet in her skull.

Bucky. She reminded herself, he wasn't 'The Soldier' anymore. He had a name.

She unlocked the door and opened it slowly, trying not to make a noise and wake the sleeping lump of muscle and metal on her couch. She walked over to her sink, tiptoeing as quietly as she could, and pulled out a small glass from a cupboard, before turning around on a whim to look at the sleeping form of Bucky.

The room was dark, lit only by a faint hint of moonlight coming in through the window, illuminating his unconscious body. He was lying on his back, his legs slightly too long for the couch, falling off the end. His metal arm was hanging off the side, grazing the floor, whilst his right was tucked behind his head. He looked different when he was sleeping, Erin noticed. The constant lines of worry on his face when he was awake smoothed out, making him look almost... peaceful. He looked considerably better after yesterday's shower, now he no longer had blood covering his hair and face.

Honesty ♧ Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now