Just Relax (Vikk+Josh+Simon #1)

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Vikk's POV

I was sat in my room, curled up in a ball on my bed, crying. I was completely and utterly exhausted. I wouldn't go to sleep. I couldn't. I hadn't even uploaded my Minecraft video today, and it was 11 o'clock. What was I going to do? I put my head on my knees, crying harder. I tried to be quiet. I didn't want Simon or Josh to hear me. As much as I trusted them, I didn't want them to see me like this. I heard a set of footsteps come down from Simon's floor and stop at Josh's door, then come towards my room. Oh God. They'd heard me. My door creaked open and I could feel the two boys sit either side of me. They put their arms around me, cuddling me close.

"What's wrong, Vikky?" I heard Josh say into my right ear. I just gripped my knees and buried my head further.

"C'mon, Vikky. Talk to us." I heard Simon say into my other ear. I couldn't let them in. I couldn't. I shook my head.

"Why are you so upset? Tell us" Josh said, cuddling me closer.

"I can't" I said quietly.

"Please, Vikky. You can trust us, man" Simon said.

"No, I can't" I mutter, still hiding my head.

"Why not? Please, Vikky" Josh asked.

"I just can't" I say, before sitting up and going to my desk. "Oh my God, I need to edit my Minecraft video!" I start to panic, worried about my video.

"Vikk, please, let me do it!" Simon said, standing up and pushing in front of me, sitting in my chair. "Go sit with Josh" He opened my editor and started to edit my Minecraft footage, as Josh grabbed my hand and pulled me onto his lap.

"It's ok, Si. I'll do it" I say, trying to stand up.

"Vikky, no. Please" Josh said, putting his arms round my body, stopping me from moving.

"Josh, I need to edit. I have to"

"No, you don't. I'm doing it." Simon said, still editing.

"You don't need to. I'll do it" I say. "Please" I say, trying to get up.

"No, just relax." Josh says, laying me down on my bed.

"I can't" I say, getting up.

"Yes, you can" Simon says as Josh lays down beside me, wrapping his arms around me to keep me from getting up.

"Please just sleep, Vikky" Josh said, pulling me towards him. I was laying on my back, and he was on his side, holding me close.

"Can you let me get changed, at least?" I ask. The other boys were already in their pyjamas, so they didn't need to get changed.

"Yeah" Josh said, letting me go. I walk to the bathroom, grabbing a pair of sweatpants, boxers and a shirt on the way out.

Once I'd got changed, I walked back to my room. I lay back down next to Josh as Simon edited. A couple of minutes later, I felt Simon lay down too. I lay down between my 2 best friends, cuddling with them. I felt myself smile slightly. God I love my friends.

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