Chapter Twenty-Two

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Naiya Parker-Wyatt

Keon left me three Motrin pills that I downed with a bottle of water before my shower. After that shower, I swear I began feeling relief. My stomachache was no more and now all I felt like doing was going to sleep. I put on my panties, a black camisole and red and black plaid pants that I stole from Keon a few weeks ago and never returned. They were thick which was perfect against the air conditioning in here.

A knock on the master bedroom door startled me. "Nai you dressed?"

"Yeah I'm dressed, you can come in."

The door opened and he stepped in. He had a solemn look on his face that worried me a little. Something was wrong. Again.

"Did I do something?"

He shook his head, "Nah...why you say that?"

"Because you look...upset."

He shook his head again and reached out for me. I went to him and he unexpectedly pulled me into a hug. "Nah I'm good...just making sure you're okay. I didn't mean to get you sick like that. I'm sorry."

"It's okay-"

He pulled away and held my face in between his hands. "No you're in my care Naiya. I told you to trust me and you do...I'm supposed to protect you-"

"Keon I've heard of people drinking a lot and throwing up. This was a learning experience it's okay."

"Just know matter what I have your back you know that?"

Was he drunk? I knew he was high but usually when he's high he's chill or laughing at random things. Not acting like this.

"I know that Keon."

He kissed my forehead and pulled me back in for a hug. "Good. Let's get some sleep okay?"

I slowly nodded, staring at him cautiously. "Ohhhkayyy."

Tomorrow was a big day. I figured we would watch some TV but sleeping was better since we would be getting up early tomorrow to swim with the dolphins and possibly some whales. I was afraid for the whale part but hopefully there was a cage for us to get in or something.

Keon laid down first and brought me into his arms. Now I knew something was wrong. Granted, his body was warm and it felt nice to be close to him because of the cool air in here but I couldn't shake the thought that something wasn't right. His fingers rubbed my scalp in a soothing manner.

"Tell me what's wrong when the time is right...okay?"

He sighed, "I don't think the time will ever be right. Go to sleep."

He turned the light out.

The next morning, I woke up hearing birds chirping and light music playing. My head was no longer pounding and my stomach only growled for food. I got up and stretched. The bathroom door was open and I was in the bed alone meaning that Keon was possibly already dressed. After brushing my teeth and washing up, I headed out of the bedroom dressed in a bikini and high waisted shorts. I could hear Zaire laughing outside on the deck and assumed that Keon was with him.

"Yo you serious?"

"Dead ass man...shit never happened to me before so you know I was flipping the hell out Zaire."

Zaire wiped his cheeks of the tears he shed from laughing so hard. "How long it stay like that?"

"Twenty long ass minutes I was so ready to just jerk-" Keon suddenly turned around to see me walk up. His eyes widened just for a second and then he relaxed them, throwing a forced smile on his face, "Oh heyyyy sleepy head woke up!"

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