Chapter 33: Never Letting Go

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It's ... 6:02 AM

I regret coming really early...

I scrummage through my school bag to find my notepad

I flip through pages and finally found the page.



Sometime at lunch.... When she's hanging with the others

I draw Kayano.... Not like any other drawing you've seen...

I draw Kayano with heart and gratitude.

I don't know why... But I want to see Kayano hair tied up... Maybe it would turn my perspective of drawing.... Also.... I would like to see it... To....

I started blushing

GAH! I slapped myself twice and tried not to think the bad things

That moment I remembered something

That dream

I don't know why I would dream that... Is it.. because..!

It's because... of Kayano I ... I...couldn't protect her

I finally arrive at the door of my class

I take out my phone and check what time it is..

It's only 6:40 AM! GAH!

It's only going to be 35 minutes all alone in one class!

I slide the door to the right and look upon someone

...I guess it won't be bored after all

I walk toward my desk and that moment

The girl turned around and looked at me with widen eyes

It.. was ... Kayano

"N-Nagisa!" Kayano said

... Kayano... hair is tied up...

What am I?! A fortune teller?!

"...You... look lovely today.." I said with a bright blush, trying to cover it

"..O-Oh.. Thank you" Kayano said with a blush

I sat down in my desk and looked down

This.. is .. awkward..... ever since that dream... How do I talk to her?

"Nagisa.." Kayano said

"Uh.. Yes!" I said

"..The school festival is coming up..and... I was wondering if you could... help me buy some materials for the festival..." Kayano said

Oh yea... The school festival is coming up... Then once it's over... It's exams... Then... School is ... Over... I won't see... the people I once knew......... Not... Even Kayano...

"U-Uh yea..! I could lend you a hand!" I said nervously

"It's okay if you say no.... I don't want to push you so hard" Kayano said

Those words....

"I guess I was pushing myself.... I shouldn't have... done this..... I should've let you continue your goal as focusing on your target..." Kayano said

"No No! I would love to help you! After all.... I .... I want to be close to you..." I said bright steaming red

"C-Close?!" Kayano said bright blushing

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