is this love ?

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Turtle P.O.V

'moon just kissed my cheek ?!' turtle blared in his head , he had his skyfire on so moon could not read his thoughts , he was still cherry red , moon giggled , he positively melted , her laugh was so cute . kinkajou saw and she turned yellow and pink "awww" she said "you two are in loooove" kinkajou teased and moon and I both turned bright red "i think I am kinkajou , I think I am' turtle said in his head , kinkajou walked out to give them some space " I can tell you want to go hang with everyone else , go ahead , ill be fine" moon said , her voice sounding better already "are you sure ?"

Moon P.O.V

Turtle had an unsure look in his eyes "yes of course" I replied and then coughed and turtle gave me an unsure look "go" I repeated and he reluctantly left .

Turtle P.O.V

I reluctantly left moon's side and went to the dining pavilion , I grabbed 3 fish and some mangos for moon , I ate and kinkajou came over " oh hey kink what's up ?"I asked "you like moon don't you?" she asked "um.............maybe?" I replied getting a bit uncomfortable about the conversation "are you gonna eat those mangos?" kinkajou asked "these are for moon" I informed her "oh ok" she left and I got up to bring moon her mangos , I also saved her a fish .

Moon P.O.V

Turtle walked in and handed me some mangos and a fish "thank you turtle" I said quietly "y-your welcome moon" he stuttered and a blush crept onto his face and I giggled .

Turtle P.O.V

a blush crept onto my face and moon giggled "great news , I recovered and the healers said I could go" she said happily and got up after she finished her dinner , she took a step and fell over onto her left front leg , there was a huge scar there and I helped her up , she limped and leaned against me for support , I put my wing over her and she relaxed a little , I helped her to her cave and then she thanked me ,I nodded and walked off . 'is this love?' turtle pondered


heck that is definitely my longest chapter , like , ever , like in my entire life of being a fan fiction writer .

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