Ch 3: More Romance Forming

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Raph's POV

Jamie and I were leaning against the railing as we were eavesdropping on Leo and Brenda. We were both the kind to listen to stuff that we weren't supposed to hear. That was one thing that I liked about her.

"Wow. This is a first," Jamie replied, breaking me from my thoughts.

"What?" I asked.

"Brenda normally doesn't tell someone straight away that she's half vampire, even after she's been caught. She must really like Leo if that's the case," she explained.

"Then it must be serious," I said, surprised, then added, "So who do you like?"

She blushed for a minute. She was about to answer but turned around and nervously scratched her neck with her index finger. I just smirked.

"Well, I guess that answers my question," I chuckled.

"What are you talking about?" she asked, trying to calm herself down.

"Oh nothing," I said, starting to walk away.

She smirked and then replied, "Don't flatter yourself there, slick. You're cute, but it's been a week. We'll see what happens on in time."

"Okay, and I'll be waiting," I smiled.

"You two make me sick, you know that?" Brenda replied, interrupting our moment.

We didn't even notice her walk in. Jamie started to look mad but she just smirked.

"Says the girl who just opened up to someone she likes this quick. You usually do that about a month or two after you met a guy. It's been a week," she explained.

"So? That doesn't mean I like him," Brenda defended.

"Whatever you say, chick," Jamie said, smiling.

She left the room, leaving me to stare at her. I couldn't help but think about Jamie and how much I really liked her. And the fact that she thinks I'm cute and she might consider being with me makes it even better. I hope she really does let it happen.


A/N Two crushes in one story. Like I said, this is a first and I love it! I hope CRAZYASS_FANGIRL123 likes this too. We wrote this together. You're awesome girlie!

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