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It was now after the concert and I have to say they were amazing. Jaden still hasn't seen me, so I sneak up on him and covered his eyes. "Hey babe. Good job tonight." He turned around and picked me up, spinning me around. I giggled and kissed him softly. He tightened his grip so I wouldn't fall and kissed me back. I heard may clear her throat and we pulled apart. He let me down. "Lets go to dinner!" Devin yells loudly. I laugh quietly. Jaden grabs my hand and pulls me to the car. I get a text from Lisa.
From: Sissy😇😏💘
9:30 pm
Hey. I got called in back to work. Jaden can come over. Please don't do anything you would regret. You are only 15. Love you💘😘
I laughed and looked at jay, and asked him. He agreed and we started talking with Sean and May, asking if they wanted to come over too. They both said yeah and we realized we were at the restaurant.
~after dinner cause I'm lazy.~
Devin dropped the four of us off after we got the boys clothes. I told May she could use some of mine. We got home and everyone changed. (im to lazy to write what exactly she put on so im going to just show the pictures. Lol.)
(Krys' outfit)(without the shoes and hoodie)

)(Krys' outfit)(without the shoes and hoodie)

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(May's outfit)(without the shoes.)

We meet the boys downstairs and we all sit down on a couch

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We meet the boys downstairs and we all sit down on a couch. I turn on my ps4, going to Netflix. We picked a movie, mean girls. I watched it so many times I knew every word to it. I notice jaden smiling at how I was mouthing the words. I giggled and kissed hid cheek and leaned on his chest so I could fall asleep. I slowly drifted off. But not before hearing jaden whisper "goodnight beautiful."
I woke up in my bed, with jaden arm around my waist. I smiled and turned to look at him and seen he was still asleep. He looked so peaceful and relaxed. I didn't realize I was staring until he said "Staring isn't nice Krys." I giggled and hid my face under the blanket. "I'm sorry, I was just admiring you." I look out seeing him smirking. He kissed me. I obviously kissed back. I deepened the kiss. He pulled me so I was straddling over him. His hands on my waist. Someone started banging on the door.
"Something better be wrong." Jaden whispered in a strong accent. Okay that was hot. I went to the door to see Sean and Mayson smirking at us. I rolled my eyes and closed the door.
"Now, where were we?" I asked.

I had a bad writer block. Everything I wrote I didn't like. Do you guys want smut? Not for a little while longer but I want to know if Thats something you guys would want. And thank you guys so much for your votes and comments. I love all of you guys Lol. Don't be a ghost reader. I can't believe over 500 reads. Thank you so much.

Thinking of you again. ~ Jaden BojsenWhere stories live. Discover now