Chapter Five

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The sound of a machine beeping causes me to stir in my sleep. I open my eyes slightly and see that I am in a hospital. I open my eyes fully and look around the room. The first thing I see is a whole lot of flowers. It looks like someone went to the florist and ordered the whole damn store. The door opens and in walks Richard. I smile and try to sit up, only to fail miserably. He immediately comes over and tries to help. Once I'm propped up he sits down on the edge of bed and shakes his head.

"What happened?" I might as well get straight to the point.

"Damn Teya, you jumping straight to it? No hey or anything? Wow." He shakes his head again and glares at me.

"Awh I'm sorry Richard, but I want to know why I'm laid up in the hospital. Now please stop mean mugging me and answer the question. What happened?"

He rolls his eyes and throws his hands up. With a huff he tells me about how Ziere shot me in the side and how Zander basically beat the bloody shit out of him and ended up in jail. Oh and to top it off I've been in a slight coma for about the past week or so. The only good thing is Ziere is locked up for the next six years. Apparently they found some hella suspicious shit in his room. Dueces to him. My only question now is where is Zander.

"Rich where's Zander?" I really need to know how he's doing?

"He got out a couple of days ago but I haven't heard from him since then. We both came to visit you when he got out and he sort of just disappeared," he shrugs.

Disappeared? Bitch people don't just vanish out of nowhere. This isn't charmed. I close my eyes and count to ten before exhaling the breath I didn't even realize I was holding. I open my eyes and look directly into Richard's. "I'm going to find him." I state.

"Hold up there. You can't leave the hospital any time soon. Plus Dad has to sign you out. I'll find him for you. Just rest up. I'll be back I gotta go let Dad know you are awake. He's thrown himself in his work again." Richard gets up and kisses me on the forehead before exiting the room.

I hope he didn't think I was going to stay here in this hospital. Zander could be hurt or something worse. What kind of friend doesn't know where their BEST friend is? I need a phone. A quick glance to my left, I see a phone. Just as I'm reaching for it the door opens and in walks a nurse.

"Hi Teyana, I'm your nurse Stacey." she says in a cheery voice.

My eye twitches a little but I guess I can play nice. "Hi Stacey."

"Dr. Munroe is on his way he just wanted me to see if you needed anything." She smiles before grabbing the clip board at the end of the bed and walking out the room.

Maybe if I get out of the bed I can be gone before this so called Doctor comes in. Why the fuck would he send in the nurse first if I just woke up from a coma? Whatever I'm not gonna fight the system right now. I just gotta get out of this bed. I start to twist my body to the side and immediately the pain is horrible. It feels as if someone is just ripping the muscle from my body tendon by tendon. My eyes start to water as the heart monitor starts to go off. Where is Stacey? I need hardcore medication.

The door opens and in walks this beautiful man in a white coat walks in. If this is Dr. Monroe why wasn't I shot weeks  ago. And here I was trying to make an escape. I should stay here and let him take care of me. Zander will be okay for another week or so.

"I'm Dr

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"I'm Dr. Monroe, Teyana. What have you done to make your heart rate spike?"

His voice is so velvety. I don't know why but I'm legit hearing Boyz II Men singing 'Ill Make Love To You' in my head. Wait did he ask me something? "I'm sorry can you repeat what you just said. I sorta uh um spaced out." Yeah Teya because that's not questionable.

He chuckles, which causes me to break out in goosebumps. "I asked why your heart rate monitor is going off."

"Oh I moved and Satan tried to rip my Insides out as punishment," I say simply.

This causes him to break out in a loud belly aching laugh. I wasn't trying to be funny BUT now that he is laughing, I wonder if I can get his number. Once he composes himself enough, he moves to my side and pulls out some gloves. I hope he doesn't think he is about to touch my side. Nuh uh. No matter how fucking sexy he is, he is not touching me there. Maybe in some other places.

"Teyana I have to check to see if the wound is healing. This is going to require some type of co-operation."


Let's just say two nurses and my father later. I have successfully chest punched my doctor and needed to be sedated. The only good thing is It looks like I'll be leaving the hospital soon. I also got his phone number, so score one for me. I did however learn that he has a crush on my brother. Of course the hottest doctor I've seen likes men. Stupid Richard and his being all decent looking and shit. Ruined what could've been my future. Whatever I'm going back to finding Zander. That's the first thing I'm going to do when I get out of this place.

*Author's Note* 

I know I said the chapter would be up sooner but It's here and I'm sorry. I am ready to start the next chapter though. I miss Zander. #WheresZander

Have yall seen this season of Are You The One? Tell me Kaylen and Gio aren't perfect. 

Comments, Votes and Shares are welcomed. Have a good night. See you Soon lovelies  

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