Chapter 3

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In the morning: your pov
You woke to the felt of Aidan's nice warm breath hitting your skin, his hand on your back and your leg on top of his so you opened your eyes. As you opened your eyes you saw a sleeping Aidan with his hair in his face so you smiled, moved the hair out of his to only see him open his eyes and to only hear him say


With that he smiled so you did the same to only feel him make shapes on your back so you smiled then said

"Would you like some breakfast"

"With something to take the hangover away"

With that you laughed then kissed him to only feel him kiss back so you pulled apart, got off the bed then said

"Coming right up"

With that you Picked up his shirt and put it on the walked down stairs to make him some breakfast.

Aidan's pov
I watched as y/n walked down stairs to only see that she looked so cute but sexy with my shirt on so I smiled, rested my head on the pillow and just waited for y/n to be done with breakfast.

Your pov
You picked up the magazine and news paper from your front porch to only hear the kettle click so you walked in and just went back to making breakfast for you and Aidan. While you placed the eggs on the plate you looked at the magazine to only see you and Aidan on the front and to only see it say could it be true that the poldark hunk and offspring beauty are in a relationship. read page 5 to find out. With that you picked up the magazine, and the tray and walked up stairs. As you got up stairs you placed the tray on the bed and chucked the magazine to him to only hear him say

"What's wrong"

"Read that"

With that you sat on the bed to only see him read it.

Aidan's pov
Could it be true that the poldark hunk and offspring beauty are in a relationship. Read page 5 to find out. As I read that I put the magazine down to only hear her say

"What we do"

"We'll do you want to be in a relationship with me"

"I hardly know you"

"You just had sex with me like a couple of hours ago"

"Ok, ok"

As she said that she groaned and lowered her head so I watched as she did to only see her run her fingers through her hair and too see her lift her head so I smiled then said

"Or we can just be friends and see where it goes from their"

"But what do we tell the reporters"

"The truth"

As I said that I looked at her to see her giving me a look saying and that is so I smiled to only hear myself

"That we nothing but friends"

With that she rested her head on my lap so I looked at her to only hear her say

"Why me"

"Because your beautiful"

With that she rolled her eyes so I laughed then went back to eating breakfast while talking to y/n about this whole magazine article thing.

Please comment what you think and I hope you like it✌🏻️😘💚💚

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