Chapter 1

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Two months later
"Ok ok are you exited for your classes!" Jade says over the phone, her excitement ringing in my ears

I smile and looks down at my schedule, Marcus helped me pick my courses. I still haven't decided on a major but he advised me to do something I'd enjoy and to take it slow the first year until I decide. I'm taking a few english and history classes, I enjoy those subjects and I hope I'll find something to major in by taking them.

"Yes Jade" I giggle "I am...a little nervous, but excited too" I tell her honestly

"Me too" she squeals

"are you and Caden settled into your condo?" even though it's more like a penthouse. Since Caden lives so far from the college they decided to move into a condo closer to campus. They of course, kept the house, which I only recently went to and is absolutely beautiful. They plan to go back to the house every weekend and on the days Jade doesn't have classes.

"Yeah it's great here, but I miss home" she says and I can hear the frown in her voice

I giggle "you'll be back soon" I tell her

"I know but anyways I've got to go, I need to pick up my schedule. We still on for tonight?" She asks, it's Cadens 'birthday' aka the day he was turned all those many years ago. We are all getting together, we haven't all been together since Harry left, everyone's been so busy. Amber and Luke trying to run a pack. Marcus has been getting help from Caden and Nate to run now the entire North America. Jade has been learning new spells and power from her Mother, gran, and Lucia. Evangeline has been staying with Lucia, they have become very close and she's trying to get back into a way of life after being trapped for so many years.

"Yeah see you then" I tell her and we hang up. Since Harry left things have been...different. I miss him. He's only contacted me once. He's been asking around, trying to find anyone who was ever associated with Caines's group to see if she really was there. As far as I know he's still in America but we'll see how long that lasts. I know he'll search the world for her.

I step out of me and Marcus's bedroom, padding slowly down the stairs hoping to find that busy man. As I step around the corner, about to check the office, movement outside catches my eye. I smile and skip over to the door. I open the door slowly, hardly hearing a creak. A warm breeze blows past and my auburn hair tickles my cheeks.

In front of me I see Marcus, he's sitting on a tree stump faced away from me, talking to Nate. Nate looks up at me, his arms crossed and a crooked smile on his pink lips, his pale skin looks radiant under the yellow sun. I bring my finger up to my lips and purse them, mentally shushing him. He rolls his hazel green eyes and chuckles but goes back to his conversation with Marcus.

I tiptoe softly in the grass over to them. I try to keep my breathing low and quiet. When I'm no more then a feet away from his shoulders I reach out. As fast as light he turns and grabs my arms, twisting me around and pulling me over the stump and into his lap. I'm a little shocked but after seeing his stupid, adorable, smirking face I hit his chest. "You're so cute, trying to sneak up on me" he pinches my cheeks and I swat his hand

"Honestly Rose you know you can't sneak up on a vampire" Nate laughs, his Scottish accent bleeding through his lips. He takes a strong hand and brushes it through his short strawberry blonde hair.

"One day you two I'm gonna surprise the crap out of y'all" I try to sound day hoping Marcus will make me his equal in the sense of immortality

Marcus pulls me close and his soft lips brush against my ear "that'll be the day I no longer can hear the sound of you beating heart, smell you intoxicating scent, and feel my entire body become alive-" he readjusts me on his lap so I can feel just how alive he's feeling "when you come near me" he whispers and my body hums, I curse myself for how his words effect me

"Well that was disgusting" Nate says and I jump a little forgetting he was there. I blush beet red and duck my head in Marcus's shoulder, Marcus just chuckles. "I'm gonna head out, I'll see y'all tonight" I raise my head and give him a small embarrassed smile

In a second he's gone, disappearing into the woods. I smile and turn to Marcus, his radiant blue eyes are already staring up at me. I wrap both arms around his neck and smile. "You are so beautiful" he tells me quietly, caressing my cheek with his fingers

I smile and kiss his finger tips "what was that about?" I ask and he drops his hand

"Nate was giving me in an update, we only just now finished taking down all of Caine's camps and hide outs on his side-" he catches himself "well my side now" I see in his eyes he's thinking back on it. The day he killed his brother and the hell he went through with him before it. What he did to him; to us. His grip on me tightens and I cup his cheeks

After a moment of silence I sigh "He's gone" I whisper, placing my forehead against his "I'm here"

His body relaxes "I have never felt a greater pain in my entire existence than I did when I thought I lost you" he says, the last word catches in his throats and he shuts his eyes as if he's feeling the pain all over again

My lip pouts and I shake my head "You'll never have to experience that again" I kiss his lips tenderly "now it's time to celebrate and have fun" I place my hands on his shoulder and stand from his lap

We walk up the house together and start to get ready for the party. My heart speeds up in sadness and joy knowing we'll be all together again, all but Harry. I frown in the mirror at the thought. Marcus comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist, his lower half wrapped only in a towel, the other half naked with small droplets of water falling down his glowing skin. He bends down and lays his head on my shoulder and looks at me through the mirror.

I'm just wearing black jeans and a black plain bra, yet to pick out a shirt. My hair is still slightly damp and the waves are starting to form after the shower. I powder my nose and stare at him through our reflection. His eyes travel down my body to my mark. His fingers trail the lines and he smiles. I grin back and turn to look at his beautiful mark, but by the time I turn around he's on his knees trying to unbutton my jeans. I ignore the warmth that grows down my body and laugh "no we have to get ready or we'll be late" I tell him but I'm more so trying to convince myself.

He raises an eyebrow and kisses my bare stomach just above my jeans. "You sure?" He asks in a deep heavenly voice

I shut my eyes thinking 'maybe we could spare a few minutes....'But I look at the clock hanging in the bathroom wall and groan inwardly "we have to be there in twenty minutes" I tell him knowing it takes fifteen just to get there.

He smirks and stands, his glorious body towering over me "I could do a lot in five minutes"

Don't I know it

But he stops pushing and kisses my forehead. Just before he walks out of the bathroom to the bedroom he turns to me "but don't think I'll be going to sleep tonight without having you first" his voice is deep and eyes mysterious and alluring.

A shiver runs down my back and I lean against the counter, supporting my jello legs. After a moment I collect myself and continue getting ready. Not only excited for the party but also the after party...if you know what I mean.

Hurrrrrrrrrayyyyyyyt I finally got my act together😂so hey guys it's been a while. Like I've said before I've not only been working on other books but also have just had difficulty figuring out to do with this. Soooo tbh I'm kinda winging this until I get to the main plot (which I know) hope you guys like this first chapter! It was kinda just a starter up because I know some of you have been eager for something.

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