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Many years have passed  since I let my self be sealed away...

The pain no longer throbbing like an open wound but rather a scar which was about to fully heal.

And for that....

She's really thankful.  The red haired boy who healed her purified her dark heart...Although the darkness will never vanish because she herself is the epitome of it. She's created to balance the darkness...

So it's quite a shock seeing her siblings in such a dire situation caused by her children...and what's worse!!!? They have the gal to hurt Maverick...who's supposed to be mated to the God of Lamentation!

Oh mother of all creations! How is it possible to create such a mess through a short amount of time!!!

Looking behind her....

She flinch visibly as Malice float to the air...A dark vines erupted from the ground and wriggled before circling at his sons tightens and squeezed the life out of him..

Phoebe grimaced unable of decide what to do...

Never in her immortal life does she felt this fear and sorrow...

"Mother! Help me!" Malice wheezed through the tight hold of the vines hitting his back like a whip. He's  profusely bleeding and in pain...but it seems it wasn't enough...not to the God of Lamentation who stood there unfazed watching the torture he inflicted. A sinister smile on his face.

"You can't interfere!" Micha screamed as Phoebe was about to run and protect her son from the beating... she may be a demon but Malice is still her child. .. how can a mother let someone harm her child in anyway even though it was the child's fault?

"Phoebe, he's about to fully transform... if this continue..A black vortex will appear and destroy us all.... ! He'll suck every life in this  planet .. He'll wipe out every living creature...We'll not be spared!" Micha said pulling the chain harshly trying to put a sense of reason to the raging mother in front of him. He can't let her fight him!

If they fight... they'll  call chaos out and he'll descend down the earth.... The darkness will engulf the world and the balance will be destroyed... The prophecy ends into two... One is pure destruction ... and the other  is change. A change that will maintain the world's balance...

"Make everything right!" Titania wheezed as she came to. She stared at Phoebe who was looking confused more than anything. A small smile graced Titanias lips as she realized that Phoebe hasn't changed at all.
"Sister.. pull that thing out of his  flesh... i can't do it by myself because it's an obsidian stone... it will repel me and cause more harm than help. I do not wish to harm him . " Titania whispered sitting at the ground and waiting for her sister to do something.

Phoebe, seemingly on a trance snapped and become aware of what she must do... she reached for the dagger and gently pulled the obsidian out of Mavericks chest, silently chanting a reverse spell to pull out all the poison out of his system. Maverick screamed, eyes shut close as he felt the dagger being pulled out of his flesh.. A trickle of tears spilling his eyes at the burning muscles inside of his body,  mostly his chest.

Alois snapped towards the scream and flit immediately towards Maverick... With an angry screech he threw a dark ball like flame towards Phoebe...The woman scrambled away as she dodge the black flame... Her dark hair singed and she couldn't help herself but scoff at that. .. she turned back her gaze at her son...still dangling and bleeding from the torture the God has inflicted. Her heart felt a pain she'd never felt before...loosing her children ...

She need to free Malice... The boy will not live for long if he didn't rest... He'll surely die. Lust noticing his mother's intention flit in front of Malice, conjuring a katakana like sword before cutting the dark vines... earning the anger of the God.

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