The Bathroom Stall|Note Sixty-Two

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Note Sixty-Two

"Listen I can explain-" I started.

"Explain what? How you would forge a stupid note saying that Robb was cheating on me? How do you plan on explaining that to your best friend?"

It clicked in my head all of a sudden, why Jacklyn was upset.

"Wait, you think I wrote that note to the Bathroom Stall person?" I asked, thoroughly bewildered.

"Don't play dumb, Cora."

"Woah, woah, woah. I swear to god Jacklyn, I did not write that note. In fact, I was planning on tellin-"

Jacklyn glared at me. "Just stop. Robb explained to me how you confessed to writing that note. Some friend of his showed him this picture of it, and the handwriting matches your handwriting. I just can't believe you would do that."

"I didn't do it!"

"Listen, I don't want to hear it anymore. I know you've always been jealous ever since Terrence cheated on you, but that doesn't mean you can try and ruin my perfect relationship. You don't understand anything." Jacklyn twisted the bottom of her shirt, a sign that she was holding back something. My eyes narrowed in on that action, but I didn't say anything as I was still shocked.

"Jacklyn, I promise, I didn't write that."

"Just get out. Now."

With bewilderment, I opened the door, stepping out into the cold air.

"And for the record, Cora, Robb and I don't want you to go to Homecoming with our group. Bye."


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