Chapter One.

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I paused, jumping slightly on my toes as I focused on the dummy before me. I drew my right hand back before lunging it forward. My fist met with the dummy’s chest, -more like, the spot where his heart should be- and it swung backwards due to the force. As it moved back towards me, I spun around and did a back kick, resulting to the dummy being kicked onto the floor.

Relaxing my stance, I ran through my schedule for the day in my mind. After training was definitely break and lunch. But what was after that? I wrecked my brain, totally regretting that I should have listened to Sonia.

From a distance, I heard a clap. Then another.

I turned around to the entrance of the dojo and saw my blonde trainer, Adam White.

"I say, you had that move pretty darn well. Congrats." He smirked.

I snorted, "Whatever. Since when do you ever care if I could kick a dummy’s a—"

"Language, Naddy." Adam warned, addressing me as if I was still a small child.

"Don’t call me that." I snapped. "What are you doing here anyway? You left half hour ago."

"I just came back to get my stuff," Adam held up his hands to a surrendering position, "And I needed to pass news to you too."

"Shoot away."

He made a move to the lockers, gesturing me to follow him. I did as told, flipping my hair as I did so.

"Your classes are canceled today. Apparently, you’re up for another assignment." Ahh, so I had classes after lunch… Wait, what?

I frowned. "But, I’m not supposed to be on assignments yet. I just got back three days ago." I paused, moving forward so that I was facing Adam. "It’s against the academy’s regulations if a candidate is given assignments continuously without a five-days break. What is going on?" I folded my arms, my mind buzzing with question marks.

Adam hesitated, obviously choosing his words wisely. "That you have to find out yourself. Be in the headmaster’s office in an hour, he would like to speak with you personally." He lifted his hands and placed them on my shoulders, all the while giving me an encouraging smile. I forced a smile back.

"I have to run now for my job interview," Adam glanced at his wrist watch, "See you soon, yeah? Keep practicing!" As he said that, he ran out of the dojo, leaving me to wondering what in the world could be going on.

Frowning, I turned to my locker and grabbed my bag before dashing out, looking frantically for my secretary.

"Damn it, where is she?" I grumbled under my breath as I ran through the hallway, getting stares and glares from students who just came out of their morning classes.

As I turned the corner, I saw a familiar platinum blonde up ahead and sped up my pace.

"Sonia!" I panted out, catching up to serious eighteen-year-old. She heard me and stopped dead in her tracks before turning around.

Though nineteen, Sonia has been assigned to me, as I was by far the busiest candidate in the academy. Without failure, every single month I have at least two assignments; whereas other candidates my age go to school and training as normal, wishing they could be eighteen so they could go for a real mission.

Raising an eyebrow, Sonia didn’t have to ask what was wrong since her expression said it all.

"Class," I breathed, "Cancelled?" I breathed again, "why?" I had my hands on my knees, and I was breathing hard. Calculating in my mind, I knew I had sprinted almost a mile just around campus looking for my darn secretary.

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