Chapter 4

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"I better get going. I have to finish unpacking," I say and stand up.

Michael and Luke frown. "Why don't we help you? It will go faster if we do," Luke suggests and I shrug my shoulders.

"Sure," I mean he was right, it would go faster. And I was also really lazy, so I wasn't going to turn down help.

We walked back to my room in silence, causing me to become a little uneasy.

We reached my room and I opened the door, still no roommate there. I walked over to my 2 remaining boxes.

I opened up the first which was filled with clothes, then the second which was filled with my movies and games.

I looked up to see the two of them just staring at me in the doorway.

"W-what are you guys doing? You can come in, I don't bite," I was nervous with the way they were watching me.

They both chuckled and walked in after I said that.

"We do though," Michael muttered and Luke elbowed him.

"What?" I asked, but Luke just shook his head. I furrowed my eyebrows, but just let it go. "You can just start putting the DVDs and stuff on that little shelf," I said, pointing to a shelf in the corner.

They nodded and started to neatly stack them while I folded my clothes and put them away.

In no time we were done but I almost jumped out of my skin when I turned around and Luke was standing right there.

"Jesus Luke, you scared the shit out of me." I said and he frowned.

"Such bad words shouldn't come out of such a pretty mouth." He stroked my cheek and a shiver ran down my spin. My cheeks heated up and he smiled.

"Such bad words shouldn't come out of such a pretty mouth" the blonde said and his eyes turned a darker black.

"S-sorry." I said and the tan one stroked my cheek.

"Where did you learn such words?" He asked and I looked at my hands in my lap.

"S-some people at school." I stuttered and all three of them tsked.

"I don't want to hear you say something like that again. Got it?" I just nodded and the red hair one sighed.

"I wanna hear your pretty voice."

"Y-yes sir." They all smiled and I frowned.

"When will you tell me your names?" I asked and they all looked at each other.


"Just not today." I finished their famous line every time I asked for one of their names.

"Someone's getting a little sassy." The blonde said and I frowned.

"Yea that's my thing." The tan laughed but I just sighed.

"I'm almost 16. I've known you guys for almost 6 years and yet I still don't know your names."

"You will someday, trust us." The red head said.

I just nodded and they continued to show me their cool tricks.

"Ashton?" Luke asked and I looked at him with wide eyes.

"Y-you..." I gasped. Where had that memory come from? Why didn't I remember that before?

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"How could I forget?" I whisper to myself. Luke and Michael exchange looks but suddenly there's a boy at the door.

"There you guys are! I've been looking everywhere." A tan boy says with a smirk. Just like the one from my memory. They all look like the men from my memory...except for their eyes.

"C-Calum?" I ask, just guessing and he smiles.

"So you guys have been talking about me?" He asks but he still stays planted in the doorway, not moving into the room.

"Ashton are you okay?" Luke asks, his hands still stoking my cheeks gently.

"I know you guys?" I say but it comes out like a question.

"Well you've been hanging out with us almost all morning. So yeah, I'd say you know us." Michael chuckles but I shake my head.

"That's not what I meant," I whisper.

They all give each other knowing looks.

"Can I come in?" Calum asks but his smile has faded. His face is serious now.

"N-no. I think you guys should leave," I say. I need to figure this out.

Luke let's go of my face but grips my hips instead. His grip tightens when I tell them both to get out again.

"You can't un-invite us in," Luke says in a deep voice. I look up at him with wide eyes.

"That's not how it works," Luke says and leans towards me more.

I try to back up but he just follows my movements until he's got me pressed up against the wall.

"You remember don't you?" He asks and I take a deep breath before nodding my head.

As soon as I do that, all three of their eyes turn a dark black. My eyes widen and my breathing speeds up.

"It wasn't a dream," I whisper to myself.

"Do you still want us to leave?" Michael asks and I tear my eyes from Luke to look at him.

He's looking at me so intently, along with Calum. "Y-yes." I stutter out and he smirks.

"Still stutters when he's nervous," Michael says with a chuckle and I shiver.

"I thinks he remembers but he's forgotten who we are," Calum says from the door, still not being able to enter.

"I guess we'll just have to show him then." Luke says and before I can ask what they mean, Luke tilts my head to the side, giving him perfect access to my neck and bites me.

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