Chapter 14

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This is going to be flashbacks/memories. Basically what happened etc. So if you don't want to know about all his past lives than just skip this.

Third Person
(2nd Life)
Calum sighed as he went back to the hotel with empty hands. "Any news from Zayn and Harry?" Calum asked as he entered the room.

The other two looked at him with hopeful eyes but Calum shook his head. The room was filled with disappointment.

"The kingdom is doing well. Zayn and Harry have also met a boy named Louis who said he saw Andy and his gang in the US." Luke told him glumly.

Calum nodded, excited that they finally had some news on the whereabouts of at least one of the people they were looking for.

But it was still early, Ashton would only be 4.

"Do you think he found Ashton?" Michael asked. They all stayed silent, praying Andy hadn't.


The three boys ran up the steps, tears in their eyes as they saw a women dead, drained of all her blood by the front door, the woman who was supposed to be Ashton's new mom.

"Please..." they all kept muttering as they walked into the back yard, just hoping that Ashton was still here, still alive.

But when they walked into the back yard all they saw was a little human Ashton, only four years old, tears running down his face as he cried for his mom, laying on the ground in a puddle of blood.

His blue shirt was stained red as he laid on the ground. They all walked towards him slowly, he tried to squirm away but Luke quickly ran up to him, picking him up carefully and rocking him side to side.

They all had tears running down their faces. "It's okay, it's gonna be okay." Luke mumbled. He concentrated as hard as he could and his veins turned black as he slowly took Ashton's pain away. His little hazel eyes looked up at Luke.

His tiny hand reached up to touch Luke's cheek. "It doesn't hurt anymore. Thank you mister."

They all smiled but it quickly washed away as Ashton's chest continued to bleed. He may not feel the pain anymore but he surly wasn't going to make it.

"Are you superheroes?" Little Ashton whispered, tears leaking from the corner of his eyes as Luke held him.

"Mommy always told me about the superheroes before bed. If someone was in trouble they would help them." His bottom lip wobbled and Michael wiped away a tear that fell down Ashton's cheek.

"You guys are superheroes because you'll help me and mommy right?" He trembled.

"Yea, we'll help you. We're superheroes." Calum mumbled and watched as a huge smile broke across Ashton's face.

But then his eyes went cloudy and his smile quickly faded away as he went limp in Luke's arms, only a small smile left on his face. They all let out sobs as his body turned to Ash and was swept away by wind, to place him somewhere he'd restart his life all over again.

(3rd Life)
"Guys! I found him! I saw him today!" Michael yelled, jumping on Calum's back.

"Wait? Don't joke about this. You saw him?" Calum asked, shaking Michael off his back. Michael nodded and smiled wide.

"Where?!" Luke practically screamed. People stared but they didn't care.

"He's in college, his last year." Michael was jumping up and down and the two boys had to hold him still.

"What college Michael?" They both yelled in sync, needing to get to their baby before Andy did.

"It's actually quite funny, it's Saint Michael's." They didn't laugh but instead started running as fast as they could.

When they got there, they asked around, finally ending up at a dorm on the third floor.

They opened the door only to see a 21 year old Ashton lying in a pool of his own blood. "You can come in." They snapped their heads up to see Andy by the window.

They all ran in and jumped to catch Andy but he threw himself out the window. The three boys all dropped down and held Ashton until he was gone.

"It's my fault." Michael mumbles. Calum and Luke are quick to assure him it's not but he shakes his head. "I shouldn't have left him. I should've stayed with him and if I did he would still be here." No matter how many times he was told it wasn't his fault, Michael wouldn't believe them. To this day he still believes it is.

(4th Life)
"A-Ashton?" Luke stuttered, surprised to see a 31 year old Ashton with a lady by his side.

Ashton turns at the use of his name, surprised to see a young blond who couldn't be any older than 23. "Yes?"

"I'm sorry." Luke mumbles and just walks out of the store, leaving Ashton confused, his wife as well.

But Luke doesn't really leave, he can't. He stays out of sight but makes sure no one shows up to take Ashton away from them again.

Good thing he did because not even 30 minutes later he sees Andy. Luke jumps down and grabs Ashton, making him and his wife scream.

"Let me go!" Ashton yells but than Andy's there, smirking.

"Congratulations. You finally made it to him first." Andy snarls and before Luke can do anything, he grabs Ashton's wife. He holds her by the neck and Luke's jaw clenches, because he knows what Andy's trying to do. He holds Ashton tighter so he can't get away.

"Let her go!" Ashton yells and Andy shakes his head with a smirk.

"Why don't we trade? You for her?" He asks, Ashton immediately nods and I keep my face blank because I know this is going to hurt him but if she has to die to save Ashton then so be it.

"I'm surprised your even married to this piece of garbage. How sad, right Luke?" Andy asks and cocks his head to the side. Luke just glare at him. Of course it hurts, he and the boys love Ashton and Ashton used to love them, but now thanks to Andy he doesn't even know who Luke, Calum and Michael are.

"Just let her go! You can have me! We can switch! Please let her go!" Ashton still pleads but Luke shakes his head.

"Sorry Ashton." Luke mumbles and starts dragging them away, only for Ashton to escape his grasp and go running tore arcs Andy.

"No!" Luke yells but it's to late, Andy rushed forward and with one violent snap, Andy snaps Ashton's neck and he drops to the floor.

"You bastard!" Luke yells but Andy just smirks and sinks his teeth into Ashton's wife. She screams and the sound makes Luke shudder.

That's when Andy's group showed up and Luke didn't think, he just lunged at the closest person. He almost had his hands on Andy when a girl, Deborah got in the way. He just wrapped his hands around her throat and dragged her away as Andy, being he coward be is, ran instead of fighting.

Luke dragged Deborah back to his place and the boys had a scowl on their face as they all had a turn in getting rid of her, once and for all.

Now they had to start all over again.


I'm lazy I srry but this will be continued next chapter...

Stay lovely🌹


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