6: Am I really a Princess?

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After work at Wendy's I was pretty exhausted, mainly tired of Chelsea's incessant pestering to attend Nathan's party concert or whatever it is called, but I wasn't interested.

I'm not going to witness a bunch of hormonal teenagers getting drunk, moving their body swiftly to extremely loud, disturbing music or having sloppy disgusting kisses at every corner of the place. I would rather much get home and sleep till the next morning, it's Saturday the next day after all.

I got home quickly and I was surprised to see that the lights were on meaning my mum was home. But I didn't think she was alone because there was another car parked outside and seriously? Has my mum started bringing men home? Good for her! She can live a new life and stop being miserable over my dad. 

But wait! I studied the car closely, it was a really expensive car of the newest model, more like a Rolls Royce. And there was one person coming to my mind that I really hope  he wasn't the one because my actions and words would be very.....very...I reserve the word till it I actually see him.

I barged into the house and my unlucky guess was correct. It was my father.

What in heavens name was he doing here? To rub it in our face that he was remarried and a rich billionaire with a very successful company, things he didn't really achieve while he was with us.

I could feel my blood literally start boiling as I saw him sitting down there beaming at me. Why would he smile at me? Doesn't he know how much I hate him? God knows if he says anything annoying to me, I'm really going to kill him with my fingernails.

I looked over at my mum and she had a weary and frustrated look on her face, she offered a weak smile which I returned with a frown. She should have known better.

"You're back" the man which happened to be my dad asked

I'm still in school, in history class listening to the boring teacher teach.

What kind of stupid question was that? I was obviously back from school. Old people annoy the freaking hell out of me.

I rolled my eyes and barely said a yes and my dad laughed a bit at my attitude and I became even angrier to see him laugh.
He still laughed after all the misery and pain he put us through, he was the reason that person left, the reason why I'm like this and now he's laughing like a fucking hyena, when I haven't cracked a smile in three years, pathetic much!

Really pathetic!

"Anyways this is for you" he brought out a big black gift bag and handed it to me, I looked at the bag and then i shifted my gaze back to him, trying to raise a brow but still trying to keep an annoyed look. Was he serious?

"I don't want it" I said immediately "You should've known better than bringing a gift here because I won't accept it"

"But you accepted the car" he said

So he's using that against me now?

"Do you want it back" I was on the verge of giving him my keys when he stopped me and then my mother talked.

"Cheryl don't talk to your father like that"

I did a mimicked version of her voice of what she just said inside my head and just ignored her instead, I'm used to ignoring her and I guess she's used to being ignored so she should just stop trying. I'm actually tired of not having to answer her, so we should just stay out of each others way.

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